Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. rva82700 says:

    it is so cute its the cuter version of the black bear

  2. Bubbles says:

    Awwwww…………. I think he’s cute! I’d call him Sunny. And he’s a plush! Hurray!

  3. lbeta says:

    Another great bear, I really want this one.

  4. giulietta says:


  5. Emily says:

    omg this little bear is too cute you will so see me with this little buddy and if you would like to add me my user name on webkinz is isabel202 looking foward to this new pet!

  6. calin1961 says:

    This little SunBear is so cute.

  7. Josie says:

    <3 I just love it!!!!! <3

  8. kitty123 says:

    awww its so cute :)

  9. Someone^_^ says:

    The Sun Bear’s special food makes me want to put honey on my ice cream the next time I eat vanilla ice cream.

  10. Moonstar says:

    The Sun Bear is kinda cute, but I prefer the Black Bear cuz’ it’s WAY more cuddly and soft.


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