Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. secret says:

    It is ADORABLE!!!!! Sooooo cute, I LOVE it!

  2. grace says:

    I LOVE the sun bear. it is soooooooooo cute. :) 3>

  3. summer time :-> says:

    i agree that the black bear is cuter than this one. i wonder if they call this bear the SUN BEAR because of the summer sun. ?????????????? who knows? anyway, happy summer!

  4. luvCHOCOLATE says:

    wait so let me get this straight you can buy like now cause my birthday is July 10 and I want the SunBear.

  5. orangegem27 says:

    for the people who don’t like him, you should! he is the cutest bear ever no matter what anybody else says!!!

  6. snowball says:

    the sun bear…if i find it at the store….it’s mine!!!!!!

  7. LuvsWebkinz says:

    The Sun Bear is absolutely adorable! I love its style, its smile, it’s just so cute!

  8. pouchie7 says:

    nice bear! thx!

  9. WEBKINZ says:

    He is sooooooooo cute!!!!! I want him! I want him! I want him!!!!!

  10. hoper0808 says:

    o m its sooooooo cute!!!!!

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