Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. Truly Smiley says:

    The bear is cute and all but its not my favorite… I mean don’t get me wrong its REALLY cute but the petal puppy is so cute and its worth working for but the bear i guess is not worth… well working for I guess. But I still might get it possibly

  2. ros says:

    i would love to have it because i would give it to my cousin alex

  3. CrazyKoala says:

    I might wanna get this webkinz. It looks really cute

  4. hollywoodrider says:

    If i got the bear i would name it winnie, because i used to love winnie the pooh when i was little!

  5. luke123 says:

    the sun bear is sooooo awsome i named mine sunny. :)

  6. sjcartmill says:

    wow, it is so cute! I hope I get one!
    p.s. the plush looks cuter than the virtual bear, in my opinion.

  7. bob says:

    i hope i win it. wish me luck : )

  8. partyrockanthem says:

    aww its really cute is the plush like the silky material or the other kind

  9. songbird632 says:

    I think it’s a real cute bear please add songbird632 to your friends list.

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