Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. girlwholuvsevreeanimalintheworld says:

    SO SO SO CUTE!!!
    o yeah LUV IT

  2. caitlyn says:

    I wish I could get him he is so cute

  3. EeveeLoverForever says:

    He is really cute. I didn’t know he was so small though. I want him but… as usual I’m broke. I could try and save but it always ends up like this: OH, A NEW ANIMAL DS GAME!!! – OH, A NEW, er, OTHER DS GAME!!! – OH, ICE CREAM TRUCK!!! I”LL BUY A LOT OF ICE CREAM CONES!!! – OH, COTTEN CANDY FLAVORED CANDY!!! – OH, A NEW WII GAME!!!. So as you see before I have time to bring the webkinz to the counter, I’m broke again.

  4. aprincess4all says:


  5. Leanna says:

    Want Want want that bear so badly i could SCRAEM!!!!

  6. shopping unicorn says:

    it doesn`t look super cuddly like other webkinz.

  7. vampire : P says:

    bearlovar007 u should name it miah… or sandy….. or sarah……..or.. i could go on for ever!!!!!!!!

  8. EeveeLoverForever says:

    I like that bear’s sundae.

  9. EeveeLoverForever says:

    I would work for this bear! How could this bear not be worth working for! Well… now that I’ve given it some thought… I really wouldn’t work for any webkinz, no matter how cute it was. I’m just not a worker, you see, and a furry plush or cute animation just isn’t what I deem worthy of time and effort.

  10. mp3lover says:

    this bear is super cute! i took a survey and it asked what webkinz i like the most and i answered the webkinz sun bear. 8D

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