Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. rsyjjdtyjdtyjudtyjstyju6tujsr6j says:

    ITS so cute

  2. hannalikescheese says:

    I am gonna ask my mom if I can get it tomorrow. I’m naming it Sunny or Honey.
    kitty123 how do you do those cool smiley faces?? Please reply. Oh and do want to become friends in webkinz world? My username is hannalikescheese. Whats yours? (:

  3. 5starlilly96 says:

    Awwwww thats super cute! I want it!

  4. Amanda says:

    The Sun Bear is SUPER CUTE! I really want to get it! I would name him Jo-Jo

  5. Janni says:

    i agree Moonstar! i have a bbear named Toby. my latest pet is a canary named Willow. i just liked the name so…
    my user is Jannina6 so if anyone wants to be friends GO AHEAD! Bye!

  6. bob12 says:

    hi i bob and I love webkinz

  7. ambriar says:

    sooooooooooooooooo cute

  8. stardrop125 says:

    i got the sun bear i named it sunny

  9. @bbie says:

    ikr i <3 webkinz! so cute!

  10. nir1999 says:

    it is way CUTE !!!! i love it i would name it sunny or pooh

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