Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. webkinz lover says:

    it is so cute! I really want it. it is so soft.

  2. jennifer says:

    i think the sunbear is awsome it looks cute and pretty

  3. bob pants says:

    i love webkinz

  4. kaylyn says:

    my name is kaylyn and i love sunbears and i would love to win one just cuz’


  5. cbdramaqueen99 says:

    i have it its name is winnie like winnie the pooh it comes with really cool stuff

  6. raerae3041 says:

    Sure, the sun bear is cute, but personally…I like my black bear, Jojo better.(H)

  7. irene says:

    i have the sunbear and i named it berry!and igot it today

  8. Kylee says:

    It’s soooo cute!! When i get it i will name it snickers :P

  9. amanda says:

    he is soooo adorable i want him so bad.

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