Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. Fangojett says:

    The sun bear is SOOOOO adorable! I’ll beg my parents to let me get it!

  2. iluvsherbertbunnies says:

    ummmm……… i dont really know about this one yet…..
    but it may be cuter in stores. i am sorta debating it…..

  3. Mexican Girl, Anaika says:

    Wow! It’s SO cute! I sure want to buy it!

  4. kimmygirl95 says:

    I think this bear is wait for it…….. ADORABLE! If I get it (which I would love too) I am not going to name it something obvious, it will be something cool though trust me on that. :D

  5. madhatter1213 says:

    cute. but i like the black bear better. (i know black bears are awesome, cuz i have one named nathan.)

  6. cutiepie11 says:

    aawww! Its adorable i wanna sun bear!if i got it i would name it Sunny.

  7. Madison says:

    I love bears! In fact they are my favorite animal! I’m soooooo going to buy it.

  8. Mayra says:

    It’s cute if I got one I would name it Apollo as in the sun god
    in my opinion Webkinz should make a moon bear and it’s PSI can be a moonlit pond(I’m open to new ideas)and the PSF can be mooncakes and even though it is’nt even a Webkinz I would name it Luna or Artemis(I love Greek mythology)

  9. voldemort has no nose says:

    IT ISN’T FLUFFY! SO I DON’T LIKE IT! But it does look kinda cute, in an awesomely cool way

  10. JazzyDoggy says:

    I totally LOVE that AWESOME bear!!! I want it so badly :)

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