Webkinz Top 10: Most Popular Arcade Games!



#3. Smoothie Moves


124 Responses to Webkinz Top 10: Most Popular Arcade Games!

  1. supermousecomputer says:

    i like zingoz pie throw!

  2. EnnaFire says:

    What about the Wheel of Wow? That’s an arcade game, and it’s literally just “spin the wheel and get free stuff.” I do it every time I play, no matter what else I do. Or is it counting by number of times played, because then I get it since you can only do Wheel of Wow once a day. Still, though!

  3. BunnyCarrothunter1 says:

    Ah, yes, Cash Cow, the most iconic of Webkinz games.

  4. kaiapolarbear says:

    Not sure if anyone will ever read this as this post was from ages back, but if anyone does and wants to know where they can still play DiceKinz: You can often find it as an advert on the side of Today’s Activities events such as getting a W-shop coupon etc. Just click it and you can play. DiceKinz confused me though – not that I attempted to play it much :P. As for Bamboo Break… have never played it and would love to see what it was like! My favourite game varies from time to time.

  5. sugie2003 says:

    Is 1 the most popular or is 10?

  6. Quilter says:

    I think a lot of these games won because they are played for challenges which means a lot of people play them. I love Goobers!!!

  7. minigummybears says:

    Yaaay Cash Cow, Atlantiles, and that Smoothie game made it into the top four. c: …..Y U NO LUV TEH COLOR STORM?! -jk :P -

  8. blindfold11201 says:

    My favs. are all of these!

  9. chels101_kitty says:

    I’m surprised Pizza Palace isn’t on the list. I love that game it’s one of my favorites.

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