Webkinz Votes 2014 – A Special Report: Cowabelle Cowoline Enters the Race!


Hello Webkinz Newz readers, it’s Ella McWoof, your official “Webkinz Votes 2014” election reporter!



First we had a celebrity, Dex Dangerous, join the race late last week and now there’s a Kinz running for Mayor: Cowabelle Cowoline, daughter of current candidate Ms. Cowoline! As we’ve said before, any Kinz in Kinzville can run, and Cowabelle is certainly exercising her rights!


In her speech, Cowabelle says she wants the kids in Webkinz World to be represented by a Kinz who understands their issues. She wants them to have more freedom, so has promised to open up buying treetop and underwater rooms to anyone. She also mentioned that she wants kids to spend more time with their families, so she’d reduce free daily Spree! Rolls from 2 to 1 per day.


Cowabelle is the fifth candidate to enter the race so far. How will she fare running against older candidates, including her mother, Ms. Cowoline? Will any drama unfold? Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for more coverage.

The actual election that will decide who will become the mayor of Kinzville will happen right here on Webkinz Newz from November 28th – 30th. Election results will be announced on Monday, Dec 1st.


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz.


Do you want Cowabelle to become the mayor or Kinzville? Take the “Webkinz Votes 2014″ poll and earn 50 KinzCash!



To see all of the stories related to “Webkinz Votes 2014” click here.



151 Responses to Webkinz Votes 2014 – A Special Report: Cowabelle Cowoline Enters the Race!

  1. rel9148 says:

    Guys, we can SO deal with one less Spree roll! GO COWABELLE!

  2. ada3211 says:

    I think that she is WAAY to young to be leader a town! Plus, I can’t just get ONE roll a day in SPREE! (I love my SPREE!, don’t you?). Anyways, I just think that we as a town wouldn’t really improve with more space. I think that her mom should get involved with this decision! Would your mom let you run???? It shouldn’t be allowed! This is KINZVILLE! We need someone who’s actually smarter, and can make decisions wisely!

  3. Fracktail says:

    I voted for Cowoline. Despite her age, I think that her ideas are more mature than most of the adults; she doesn’t focus on only one thing that will help her, instead focusing on one large idea and using it to help Kinzville.

  4. MidnightQueen says:

    Dex is awesome! Who’s with me?

  5. TennesseeFrogs2 says:

    Okay so a lot has happened in my four days gone lol. My thoughts on Dex are that he may not be qualified but i wouldn’t be upset if he got chosen. Right now i think Cowabelle may be the best choice, although she seems as un-qualified as Dex. Neither of their take aways bother me, i’m fine with one new theme next year or reducing spree rolls per day, those things i don’t really care about. So my vote is for Cowabelle right now, (I’d be fine with Dex though), but i’m still hoping for a candidate that will come up and say, “Kinzville has never needed a mayor and it still doesn’t. If i win i will let the PLAYERS decide on future decisions.”

  6. noelle147 says:


    • playnowpuppy says:

      I’m joinging the adventure! Althoe I already have unlocked the treetop and underwater rooms by adopting flying and underwater pets :( BUT WHATEVER I’M JOINING THE ADVENTURE!

  7. hln2004 says:

    I VOTE COWABELLE!!!! ;) If by ANY chance you see this Gennelle,it says to me oops! we can only give the prize out once per day or something……..So I did not just vote for Cowabelle,it didn’t go through,or what?!?! HELP! NOT JUST GENNELLE,ANYONE,PLEASE?!?!?!?!

  8. oats34WK says:

    hey Genelle if i bought something in the E-store will i get charged in real life??

  9. playnowpuppy says:

    I wonder what Ms.Cowaline thinks of her daughter running against her! I hope Kinz does another interview with her too see what she thinks ;)

  10. hollow79 says:

    Um does anyone know if webkinz is working today? it won’t let me log on….

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