Webkinz Votes 2014: Ella Interviews Daisy Doe

Hello Webkinz Newz readers, it’s Ella McWoof, your official “Webkinz Votes 2014” reporter.



Daisy Doe recently moved to town and famously held Kinzville’s first ever Veggie Fest this past September. Chef Doe surprised us all when she announced that she’d be running for mayor of Kinzville, launching the “Webkinz Votes 2014” mayoral race. Originally she stated that if she were to become mayor she would close down Mr. Moo’s ice cream cart and replace it with a healthy snack stand as well as replace the unhealthy food in the W-Shop with healthier alternatives. On the other hand, she has promised to increase the health boosts of all food in the W-Shop. In a shocking twist of events, she has formed a partnership with Mr. Moo and has announced that she will no longer close his ice cream stand if she were to be elected. In fact, Mr. Moo recently stated that he supports Daisy Doe’s campaign 100%. You can read the full story HERE.


Today I’m in studio for a special one on one interview with “Webkinz Votes 2014” mayoral candidate, Daisy Doe!”


ELLA: Daisy, thank you for joining me today.


DAISY: Thank you!


ELLA:  When you first arrived in town you were very popular however, the latest “Webkinz Votes 2014” poll shows that you only have about 5% support from the residents of Kinzville. Why do you think that this is the case?


DAISY: I think that there was concern that I would be putting Mr. Moo out of a job when I announced that I would be closing his cart which was never my intention. I was thinking that he could actually run the healthy snack stand and continue to work in the park where I know he is well loved. There have been a few rumors floating around ever since I announced I’d be running for mayor. I hope I can clear things up today.


ELLA: What other rumors have there been?


DAISY: I have read that some believe that I would remove or replace all the “unhealthy” Pet Specific Foods from the W-Shop if I were elected. I would never do that. That is very special food that makes each Webkinz unique. I have also heard rumors that I would somehow cancel Halloween or Christmas if I were to be elected. Once again this is just a rumor. I really enjoy the holidays. In fact, I was handing out healthy treats to many trick-or-treaters last week.


ELLA: If you were elected as mayor, which foods from the W-Shop would you remove?


DAISY: There are many healthy food options in the W-Shop but there is also some food that is just out right unhealthy. For example, Corn Dogs, Chicken Nuggets and French Fries are deep fried foods that are high in calories, salt, sugar and fat. I would definitely remove these. I would also choose to remove most of the soda from the W-Shop. Soda has been linked to obesity and illness. It’s also loaded with sugar and artificial flavors and colors.


ELLA: What about deserts like Cherry Pie?


DAISY: Ella, I am passionate about healthy eating… I’m not a monster :) There’s nothing more comforting than a nice slice of pie once and a while. I would have to remove Cheesecake as an option though. It’s full of sugar, sodium and saturated fats.


ELLA: Okay, what foods would you keep in the W-Shop that might surprise our readers?


DAISY: I would keep Candy Apples, Carrot Cake and Chocolate milk. Sometimes we need a little encouragement to eat healthy.


ELLA: Is there anything else you would like to say regarding your campaign?


DAISY: I wanted to say “good luck” to all the other candidates that are in the running. I consider them all friends and I think voters will have a tough decision to make at the end of November. There are a lot of interesting ideas that each of them bring to the table. This election is truly a historic event and I am proud to be a part of it.

Thanks Daisy! Log into Webkinz World today (Nov 3rd) to get your own Daisy Doe Election Cap and stay tuned for my interviews with the rest of the candidates. My full interview schedule can be seen HERE.


Has this interview influenced who you might vote for Nov 28th – 30th? Take the “Webkinz Votes 2014″ poll and tell us who you want to become mayor of Kinzville:



This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz.


259 Responses to Webkinz Votes 2014: Ella Interviews Daisy Doe

  1. jarjarbinks45 says:

    she’s taking away my pet’s favorite food!!!!! say no to daisy doe!!!!!!! #jointheadventure!!!!!

    • strawberryswirls27 says:

      My Pet’s favorite food is blueberry cheesecake. :( This is unfortunate.

      • horses9090789090 says:

        my pet’s favorite food is BACON! this is good …I think. :) horses909078

      • puppypower04 says:

        mine too! my first webkinz spots the St. Bernard ( don’t ask me why she is named that o.0 I was very young) anyway her favorite food is blueberry cheesecake so if she took it away……. SHE WILL BE TAKING MY FIRST WEBKINZ EVER FAVORITE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! runs to buy spots a whole bunch of blueberry cheesecake!

      • Fracktail says:

        Wait, so what’s going to happen to all the pets with that favorite food? Are they going to have to find a “different” favorite food? At first I thought Daisy would only make a minor change, but it seems like getting rid of half the food in the W-Shop is throwing a lot of things out of the loop. D:

  2. chinafan1 says:

    #Join the adventure!! :b DD

  3. chinafan1 says:

    Wait has anybody noticed that if she takes some as she calls it junk food away we won’t be able to do our challenges!

  4. webkinzlove2207 says:

    Does anyone else realize Daisy Doe now has the highest percentage of votes? We need to stop this! I will not stand to have her elected as mayor. No Doe! #JoinTheAdventure

  5. hklover6317 says:

    Daisy Doe? BOOOOOOO! #JoinTheAdvanture

  6. iloveblue says:

    I like that she would keep mr moo but I’m still voting for Cowabelle.#JoinTheAdventure GO COWABELLE!

  7. hklover6317 says:

    she is still taking away some “unhealthy” foods! and I like that stuff, how about she adds more healthy foods so that when we go to the W-shop we see more healthy foods then “unhealthy” foods, #JoinTheAdventure

    • TennesseeFrogs2 says:

      I agree, why take away stuff? She could easily add more healthier options without removing foods. She seems nicer though and i wouldn’t mind a restaurant of her own but my vote doesn’t go to her. #It’sAllGood

      • lavadragon says:

        Yeah exactly TennesseeFrogs2!!!!!! I wouldn’t mind If Daisy just opened a restaurant!!! I think it is terrible that Daisy is going to make Mr. Moo have a “Healthy snack stand” In the park (If she wins)!!!! Just in case Mr. Moo’s stand would be shut down for some reason or Daisy would win I got ALL the unhealthy snacks in the W shop and ALL of Mr. Moo’s ice cream!!!! ☺Better be safe then sorry!!!☺☻ “Join the adventure!!!!” OR “It is all good!!!”

  8. natalie13 says:

    where do you click to get the hat??

  9. annarippy says:

    As long as she does not remove any foods that mess up recipes, I’m fine with her as mayor, but I am still voting Cowabelle.

    • mysisella says:

      I am voting Daisy Doe for mayor, my mind might change if another news story (like this one) comes out about another candidate. As of now… GO DOE! :)

      • horses9090789090 says:

        no!!!!!!!!!!! you have to vote for cowabelle! I’ll send you couches if you do! LOL XD no I’m serious!

      • erppepper says:

        I think I am going to vote for Daisy, too. In my opinion she has the best campaign because the only negative effect is that she is taking away unhealthy foods but other candidates like Cowabelle are taking away SPREE rolls. #HungryForChange

        • mysisella says:

          Thanks for supporting me!!! :D Your great!!!

          • paperclip00 says:

            I am very disappointed about the loss of SPREE rolls. I collect the room theme that is in the SPREE mall. I am still thinking about who I want, but Cowabelle is sinking lower into the cellar.

          • mysisella says:

            Same, I love playing SPREE and going down to one roll a day, I am not doing that. That is why I have decided to vote for Daisy!

          • prprprprp says:

            But SPREE started out with only one roll, and we all got to the mall fine then!…

          • ajj0403 says:

            Wow! :D She’s better then I thought. She made it harder for me to vote! Know I don’t know who to vote for… I just have to wait and see the other interviews I guess! :)

        • TennesseeFrogs2 says:

          I’d rather lose spree rolls than foods that could possibly create secret recipes. In fact, i don’t even play spree that much LOL.

          • Chessie_0519 says:

            WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! Sure, we’re bummed that we’ll lose a spree roll, but we can still win them through today’s activities and floaty clickies!!!!! Go Cowabelle! #jointheadventure!

        • xoingtoby says:

          She is having a negative effect because she plan on removing foods in the Wshop that are used for recipes in the blender, stove and sandwich maker. I don’t think that’s anything positive. I’m not voting Daisy.

          • Chessie_0519 says:

            Its like I know people in kinzchat plus who have spent ALL, ALL of their kinzcash stocking up on foods……its like we’d be smuggling foods through trades…..what will happen when all the fries, chicken nuggets, cheesecake, and other foods dissapear from webkinz forever!!!!!

      • MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

        I am so NOT voting for Daisy, she will take away all the ‘bad’ food in the W-shop and she will probably do even more bad stuff when she is elected. I am voting for Cowabelle!!!! #JOINTHEADVENTURE!!! I hope I don’t seem rude, I just don’t think that we need a ton of change, Cowabelle is not going to take away anything except Spree rolls, and if you save up your bonus rolls, you can play a ton of Spree in one day!! I have 25 bonus rolls!!! GO COWABELLE!!!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    I’m glad that Daisy is not going to take away pet’s special foods or certain foods in the w-shop, but I still am not going to vote for her. She’s only been here for a few months and I won’t be able to make most recipe foods if she takes out things like soda or nuggets. At least she’s not as bad as I thought, but I still don’t want her to be the mayor. I wish her good luck with her restaurant though. So far, I will vote for either Tabby, Sheldon, Ms.Cowoline, or Cowabelle.

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      #ChangeRightMeow #MoovingForward #JoinTheAdventure #It’sAllGood

      • horses9090789090 says:

        well, I like daisy, but I like cowabelle better.

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Totally! I like Cowabelle better than Daisy.

          • horses9090789090 says:


          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Sure thing! I’m glad I made you happy! ;) ;) ;)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            If you see an account named WarriorCat1010, that’s me. ;)

          • cupcakesandcookies says:

            i know how you feel horses nobody answered me before I still don’t know what a super school day is!!!!!! # join the adventure

          • cookiemania says:

            Hi cupcakesandcookies! A Super School Day doubles the amount of credit your pets get for taking a class at the Kinzville Academy. So if your pet takes a class to improve strength on a Super School Day, it will be as if they took two strength classes instead of one. I hope that helps! :)

          • aaronspine123 says:

            I disagree with you Daisy Doe!

        • TwilightSparkle429 says:

          I agree totally cowabell is the best :)

          • beatrix201 says:

            WOO!!! Go Dex Dangerous, lets go! Go Dex Dangerous, lets go!

          • beatrix201 says:

            Alright, let me post a comment. I am willing to make the annoucement that whoever votes Dex Dangerous should ask me, (kingsandqueens14) to be their friend BECAUSE… you will get invited to lots of epic parties, (when I have the time. I am extremely sorry to those who have been waiting, thank you for your patience.) get great gifts, (they will include rare items, recipe food and clothing items, party packs, ect.) and SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!

          • MidnightQueen says:

            I am so with you!!! Dex is awesome and amazing, and I’m so glad that you know it!!! I will send a friend request to you (I’m jrflores on Webkinz World.) #DexDangerousRocks #TheHeroicChoice ***MidnightQueen***

          • prprprprp says:

            Sorry, I would like rare items, but I’m voting Cowabelle. Thanks anyway for your offer! :)

        • MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

          May I just say, #JOINTHEADVENTURE!!!!! GO COWABELLE!!!!!

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      By the way, I am glad that Ms. Doe is going out there and telling the truth. ;) I doesn’t mean I’ll vote for her, since I like some other candidates ideas better, but it’s good to see Daisy clear up a few things.

    • chinafan1 says:

      BUT CHEESECAKE IS MY CHARMING PANDAS FAVORITE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll tell you daisy THAT is being a monster!

    • 0a92y50 says:

      Still not voting for Daisy. I don’t want any of those foods going away. Everything is okay if you eat it in moderation, and there’s plenty of healthy foods in the W-shop right now. Go Sheldon! #It’sallgood!

      • playnowpuppy says:

        Yeah I’m still not voting for her :( I’m glad she, Mr.Moo, and all the other canadaties are friends and that she’s not taking away all the unhealthy food in the W-shop but some of the unhealthy food is our pets fave foods and on in solved and unsolved recipes! I have to admit that Daisy Doe is not seeming too bad right now but all the other canadaites, (Cowabelle, Ms.Cowaline, Tabby, Sheldon, and well maybe not Dex) still seem like a better choice to me! :) :) :) I’m voting Cowabelle :) She knows what freedom is and Daisy Doe still needs to learn a little more about that :) :) :) #JoinTheAdventure or #It’sAllGood :)

        • TheLordIsMyAnchor says:

          I agree Daisy doesn’t seem as bad as before right now but shes still doing stuff I disagree with, At first when I read cowabelle’s speech I was like YEAH WOO FREEDOM! and then I saw but i’ll be taking away a spree roll I was like oh O_O But I guess some people don’t mind that XP So thats why i’m voting for Sheldon.

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I agree. Daisy doesn’t seem as bad, but I’m still not voting for her either. I don’t want her taking away food that is required for most recipes and the food our pets love. By the way, I think Sheldon would be a great mayor, too! ;)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Go Sheldon!!! #It’sAllGood

          • lavadragon says:

            I would LOVE to either have Sheldon or Cowabella as mayor!!!!! Same playnowpuppy!!!!! Sheldon or Cowbella would be perfect!!! “Join The Adventure” OR “It’s all good!!!!!”

          • etncpink says:

            Oh gosh…. I just thought, what if Daisy wins? Will we all quit webkinz? I wouldn’t, but some of us might. Daisy is second in the lead for the poll. I am dreading when the voting will start. Guys… we need to team up! C’mon, we are citizens of kinzville, too! Support Cowabelle, Sheldon, or Tabby. :) It’s Ok if you don’t want to, but seriously, All those recipes, thrown in the trash. Our pets fav food, thrown in the trash. We need to stand against Daisy Doe, and vote for someone who isn’t taking away something loved, or something important. Sure there will be less Spree rolls if Cowabelle wins, We can still get bonus spree rolls on floaty clickies, today’s activities, or stop signs. Sure there will be less money at the employment office if Tabby wins, it’s not like the arcade hasn’t been invented. Sure Sheldon isn’t changing anything (LOL), you can always change up your pets house, or their clothing style. Sure Dex is making Dex Dangerous the game of the MONTH, there are still other games out there. Sure there wont be anymore Super School Days if Mrs Cowoline wins, It’s just like any other day there are no Super School days. Daisy, is taking away sweets. OUR sweets. Vote NO to Daisy DOE!! #JoinTheAdventure

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I agree!!! Every other candidate has a small disadvantage we can easily deal with, but how could you find a replacement for less junk food and recipes. Spend more time and effort replacing all of them?! That’s not going to happen Vote no for the Doe!!!

          • Chessie_0519 says:

            WOW! I AM IN AWE! YOU KNOW HOW TO RIGHT A SPEECH! *so inspiring*

          • Emerald1 says:

            I don’t want a Mayor of Kinzville at all. Whose brilliant idea was this anyway???

          • prprprprp says:

            Well then why don’t you vote for Sheldon, Emerald1? He’s not going to change Kinzville at all! :)

          • sparklefun says:

            Emerald1, Daisy Doe was the one who started this whole thing. If it wasn’t for her, we might not have had to choose between mayors, and Kinzville could just be like it was before. Besides that, I love Cowabelle’s idea that we should have freedom, and that she wants families to spend more time together. I like Tabby’s campaign too though. #JoinTheAdventure or #ChangeRightMeow

          • Emerald1 says:

            I am going to vote for Sheldon, prprprprp.

          • oliver1239pop says:


          • sunnycake says:

            OK i love your statement etncpink i agree with you i feed my pets healthy foods and if they do not get a dessert unless birthday holidays or once a week! i do not really care who wins just do not pick doe

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Go Sheldon and Cowabelle! #JoinTheAdventure #It’sAllGood

          • Mascoutah says:

            #JoinTheAdventure That’s right. I’m voting for Cowabelle.

          • Hhayes says:

            Well, I certainly like her better. I would be a little less mad if she got elected lol. I think she is nice and has good intentions. I dont mind her taking away pop (Im not a pop person lol) but I’m sure there are others that do like pop. I still probably wont vote for her, but would like her to stay in kinzville :) I’d still say GO MS.COWOLINE and GO COWOBELLE :D

          • prprprprp says:

            I’m not a pop person either, Hhayes, but it is in some awesome secret recipes, and I don’t want to not be able to makethose anymore. :(

          • SaveTilikum says:

            I’m voting for Daisy, and here is why. Health is very very important, and I know you hear this all the time, but it’s true! If you can live a healthy lifestyle, you can live longer and avoid some diseases and illness. Certain ingredients found in processed foods can cause cancer! That is really bad, I mean, no one wants that. If Daisy gets elected, she could inspire younger children who play this game. Since their Webkinz are eating healthy food, maybe they would pick up a few more veggies on their plate. Maybe they would go to the grocery store with their parents and find a protein bar they enjoy. Also since Daisy is a vegetarian, we could team up with her and save animals! I am not saying omnivores are bad, because you aren’t. And no, you are not less healthy than a vegetarian, because there are such things as an unhealthy meat eater AND non-meat eater. There are many pros to Daisy not just connecting to Webkinz World. Also, I’m sure you all can agree it’s good that she is teaming up with Mr. Moo and is keeping some sugary sweets for special occasions. I hope you can see from my point of view why she is not as bad as you think! No hard feelings, Tilly

          • Chessie_0519 says:

            I see your point of view, but even though Webkinz is super fun and awesome, its not like this vote is the end of the earth……#jointheadventure

          • dinosaurtracker13 says:

            I couldn’t agree more!

          • Emerald1 says:

            SaveTilikum, I agree with your point of view but sadly don’t think it’s much of a priority at Ganz. All we can do is model healthy living & hope somebody notices. I think it may take several generations for this change to valuing health over sugar to happen.

          • browneyedcat says:

            I have been saying this ever since she started running for mayor,” DAISY YOU ROCK!!! I EAT LIKE YOU DO BUT NO JUNK FOOD AT ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” GO DAISY

          • prprprprp says:

            I couldn’t agree more with your reasoning, SaveTilikum! I agree, your health is very very important! I just don’t want to be unable to make all the cool secret recipes that use those ingridiants! :(

          • balletbear5M says:

            SHELDON FANS UNITE! #It’sAllGood

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Go Sheldon! #It’sAllGood

          • oliver1239pop says:

            Hey TaffyKitty12, add me I’m oliver1239pop :)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Sure thing! I’m WarriorCat1010. ;)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Oh wait, we already are friends! I forgot. Anyways, thanks for friending me! ;)

          • oliver1239pop says:

            Cool, I’ll send you something! :D

          • cupcakesandcookies says:

            i don’t mind the spree thing, but cowbelle = freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • adventureforlife says:

      i think this vote well be hard :( before i was so into Cowabelle but now i think i am staring to like daisy :) she must of had some pie her self to calm her down LOL so i think i need to think about the vote :)

    • xoingtoby says:

      I agree – she can’t take away foods that make recipes and that our pets particularly like. It may not be a PSF, but they have regular Wshop foods they like too. I don’t think that DD is thinking this through entirely. She doesn’t address the recipe factor in her speech. Until she does, I’m voting Cowabelle!!

    • adventureforlife says:

      Hey Genelle are any more ‘kinz allowed to inter the race?? cause they have only a few more weeks left to the hole thing!! thanks for hearing me!

      • Matt Webkinz says:

        Nope, all the candidates have spoken!

        • Hhayes says:

          I think that if anything we have more than enough candidates. XD It would be so much easier if there was less candidates. Matt and Genelle, who do you guys think would be the best mayor for kinzville. I think it would be cool if they could all combine their ideas.

          • Matt Webkinz says:

            Haha, we all have our personal preferences, but to avoid swaying any opinions we’re not going to say until maybe after the voting. ;)

          • Emerald1 says:

            I think it would be cool if they all dropped out of the race & things got back to usual. Why does Kinzville need a mayor? They’ve been doing GREAT for 7 yers without all this stress!

    • Giselle45 says:

      One of my pet’s favorite food is chicken nuggets. If Daisy takes away the food she plans to, I don’t know what will happen! I’m totally not voting for Daisy!

    • roseiscool says:

      i’m voting for tabby

      • bepoodlepal says:

        I’m voting for cowbelle. I don’t think daisy should become mayor cause she is still taking things away. She should just add and not change it. As for mr. Moos cart she should just give a second cart like before not mess with his. Even if she’s not getting rid of the ice cream.

        • animelover7644 says:

          this makes me for okay with it IF the off chance happens and she doesn become mayor but i don’t think she is right to be in leadership for kinzville! #JoinTheAdventure

    • natalierose says:


    • monkeybat2 says:

      I’m glad Daisy isn’t removing all the unhealthy food. I’m going deluxe soon and I want one of those things like the black licorice tree or the chocolate covered caramel tree so I’m probably not voting for Daisy.

    • Becky73 says:

      I won’t say who I’m voting for, however I do have a question for Daisy. How do you expect us “chefs” to vote for you when you want to take out some of the foods we like to cook with? I do agree that we should eat healthy, but I also think that we should be able to decide that for ourselves. Not have our mayor force us into it…

    • reaganhardy says:

      I’m voting for Daisy! We should be thinking about her in positive ways!

    • WebkinzFanaticc says:

      I think Daisy will be the best choice for Kinzville mayor, I think she will do a great job to cure many illnesses that your pet can get throughout the ways of health. Daisy will definitely make Kinzville healthier! Please vote for the right option, Daisy Doe! Although all the candidates are great! (I don’t recommend voting for Dexter, not a great choice) Add me on webkinz, my name is same as username here!

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