Webkinz Votes 2014: Ella Interviews Daisy Doe

Hello Webkinz Newz readers, it’s Ella McWoof, your official “Webkinz Votes 2014” reporter.



Daisy Doe recently moved to town and famously held Kinzville’s first ever Veggie Fest this past September. Chef Doe surprised us all when she announced that she’d be running for mayor of Kinzville, launching the “Webkinz Votes 2014” mayoral race. Originally she stated that if she were to become mayor she would close down Mr. Moo’s ice cream cart and replace it with a healthy snack stand as well as replace the unhealthy food in the W-Shop with healthier alternatives. On the other hand, she has promised to increase the health boosts of all food in the W-Shop. In a shocking twist of events, she has formed a partnership with Mr. Moo and has announced that she will no longer close his ice cream stand if she were to be elected. In fact, Mr. Moo recently stated that he supports Daisy Doe’s campaign 100%. You can read the full story HERE.


Today I’m in studio for a special one on one interview with “Webkinz Votes 2014” mayoral candidate, Daisy Doe!”


ELLA: Daisy, thank you for joining me today.


DAISY: Thank you!


ELLA:  When you first arrived in town you were very popular however, the latest “Webkinz Votes 2014” poll shows that you only have about 5% support from the residents of Kinzville. Why do you think that this is the case?


DAISY: I think that there was concern that I would be putting Mr. Moo out of a job when I announced that I would be closing his cart which was never my intention. I was thinking that he could actually run the healthy snack stand and continue to work in the park where I know he is well loved. There have been a few rumors floating around ever since I announced I’d be running for mayor. I hope I can clear things up today.


ELLA: What other rumors have there been?


DAISY: I have read that some believe that I would remove or replace all the “unhealthy” Pet Specific Foods from the W-Shop if I were elected. I would never do that. That is very special food that makes each Webkinz unique. I have also heard rumors that I would somehow cancel Halloween or Christmas if I were to be elected. Once again this is just a rumor. I really enjoy the holidays. In fact, I was handing out healthy treats to many trick-or-treaters last week.


ELLA: If you were elected as mayor, which foods from the W-Shop would you remove?


DAISY: There are many healthy food options in the W-Shop but there is also some food that is just out right unhealthy. For example, Corn Dogs, Chicken Nuggets and French Fries are deep fried foods that are high in calories, salt, sugar and fat. I would definitely remove these. I would also choose to remove most of the soda from the W-Shop. Soda has been linked to obesity and illness. It’s also loaded with sugar and artificial flavors and colors.


ELLA: What about deserts like Cherry Pie?


DAISY: Ella, I am passionate about healthy eating… I’m not a monster :) There’s nothing more comforting than a nice slice of pie once and a while. I would have to remove Cheesecake as an option though. It’s full of sugar, sodium and saturated fats.


ELLA: Okay, what foods would you keep in the W-Shop that might surprise our readers?


DAISY: I would keep Candy Apples, Carrot Cake and Chocolate milk. Sometimes we need a little encouragement to eat healthy.


ELLA: Is there anything else you would like to say regarding your campaign?


DAISY: I wanted to say “good luck” to all the other candidates that are in the running. I consider them all friends and I think voters will have a tough decision to make at the end of November. There are a lot of interesting ideas that each of them bring to the table. This election is truly a historic event and I am proud to be a part of it.

Thanks Daisy! Log into Webkinz World today (Nov 3rd) to get your own Daisy Doe Election Cap and stay tuned for my interviews with the rest of the candidates. My full interview schedule can be seen HERE.


Has this interview influenced who you might vote for Nov 28th – 30th? Take the “Webkinz Votes 2014″ poll and tell us who you want to become mayor of Kinzville:



This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz.


259 Responses to Webkinz Votes 2014: Ella Interviews Daisy Doe

  1. webkinzrockz131 says:

    Daisy, did you know that a couple of secret recipes use unhealthy foods. #JoinTheAdventure! – Webkinzrockz131 or babydog0902

  2. SpeedyMice6 says:

    I’m glad Daisy bonded with Mr Moo… maybe they’ll get married lol…while I understand why everyone is mad at her, I respect her, and think she would make a good choice… I know a lot of people are voting for Cowabelle, but I just want to give you Doe haters something to think about; If she doesn’t win, do you think Dex, or Sheldon, or Cowabelle will have the power to evict her? Of course they won’t, and Mrs. Cowaline and Tabby, being ‘responsible’ adults will probably love the idea of Kinz eating healthier… If your voting for someone like Sheldon just to get Daisy Doe to leave, it won’t be working… :) ~Speedy

    • NANCYDREW1 says:

      I am not a Daisy Doe “hater”, because I don’t hate anyone, she is a nice person BUT i disagree with her taking away our “unhealthy” foods, so I want someone else to win so that does not happen- I don’t think they are going to run her out of town, and I don’t want that- that would be very rude. I would like it if she did open a restaurant though. I think that would get more people to eat healthy, but not take away our awesome foods. :) -NANCYDREW1

      • Emerald1 says:

        I think she will open that restaurant. Maybe we’ll even get a new game out of it in the Arcade. And if you think about it, nobody gets thrown out of Kinzville in Webkinz World. I expect a harmonious ending for all concerned regardless of who wins.

  3. mysisella says:

    GO DOE!! Vote for Daisy Doe!! :D

  4. rocketpower says:

    i want this to end soon i just want cowabella to win

  5. luvluvluv says:

    she can’t remove some of those foods from the w shop. we NEED them 4 recipies

  6. spheal090 says:


  7. spheal090 says:

    I think I am going to vote for Ms. Doe, but I might vote for Cowabelle… I just Haven’t decided… :/

  8. MidnightQueen says:

    Well, at least she’s not mean! After reading that interview, I think she is rather sweet and nice, but I’m still voting for Dex. Thanks anyways, Daisy Doe! #TheHeroicChoice ***MidnightQueen***

  9. sprite says:

    Anyone should have the option to make healthy choices. If you want webkinz world to be healthy don’t buy unhealthy food. But some of us want to make certain recipes or give our pet the occasional treat. Also, many Webkinz want the benefits from other candidates, while what Daisy Doe offers can be achieved by simply not eating unhealthy foods.

  10. diamond348 says:

    Please Vote For Cowabelle ! #JoinTheAdventure!

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