Webkinz Votes 2024 – Kinzville Has a New Mayor!



Ella McWoof here with a special report! Kinzville has a new mayor! Arte has officially won the Webkinz Votes 2024 election, and will become the new mayor of Kinzville in 2025. Here is what he had to say during his press conference:



“Today looks like a good day for Mayor-ing! Thank you to all the other candidates in this year’s election– and thank you to the Citizens of Kinzville for choosing me to be your next Mayor! Even if I wasn’t your first choice, I think it’s important that you know I’m here for everyone, and together we are going to move Kinzville forward!


I am so excited to finally be able to bring a new rare room theme into the rotation at the Curio Shop, and I think you’ll all be excited to see exactly what that new artistically decorative theme will be! Stay tuned here to Webkinz Newz in the coming months for the announcement and for a sneak peek!


Until then, I’ll be working with Mayor Goober to smoothly transition into my new role starting in 2025. In the meantime, make sure you come by the Curio Shop in Webkinz Classic to say “hi!”


Thank you again for the great honor of electing me Mayor of Kinzville. Hope you’ve found what you’re looking for!”





Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote over the weekend. This is truly a terrific day in Kinzville! Congratulations Arte, we are all looking forward to an exciting new year!




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42 Responses to Webkinz Votes 2024 – Kinzville Has a New Mayor!

  1. PEBBLES1973 says:

    i was actually hoping debbie dragon would have won

  2. loue354 says:

    I am going to miss the new monthly prizes on the Wheel of Wow.

    • dixiecup says:

      Cowabelle, the first mayor in Kinzville, gave us Treetop rooms and Water rooms available to any pet, Dr Quack gave pets the recipe for health, happiness and hunger meters to be topped up in one drink (which is the idea that Debbie Dragon stole) Sophie Stockwell gave us Player Appreciation Day, Dr Quack came back for a second term and he retained all of the previous Mayor’s improvements, Then came Goober with his wheel improvements by making sure we got something new on every wheel. ALL of the Mayors improvements from before were retained. Why would you think that Arte will drop what Goober gave us?

  3. Alice44 says:

    Congratulations Arte! Though I only feel like he won because he was a fan favorite

  4. littleapril14 says:

    Congratulations to Arte! Does anyone know why he does not run the curio shop in Webkinz next? I was so confused when I made an account and it was Amanda Panda running the curio shop in next. Glad he is still in classic!

  5. rebecje2000 says:

    Congratulations, Arte Fact! You had my vote, and I’m curious to see what new rare theme you’ve been working on.

  6. mypaws says:

    Oh my. I did not expect this outcome, but ok. Congratulations, Arte! Visiting you at the Curio Shop is one of my favorite things to do in Kinzville. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what theme you will introducing.

  7. emilygirl0422 says:

    I was wondering where the monthly delxure gift box is for December and no picture Quizzy December calendar Trivia for December?

  8. dixiecup says:

    How long have I waited to hear this from Kinzville Newz!! Arte, you had my vote long before you were ever a nominee! I have chased your Rares for as long as I can recall and now, you are finally in the Mayor’s seat where you really do belong! No one knows as much about the history of Webkinz World and Kinzvile than you do, I am so Proud that you have been declared as Mayor Of Kinzville And I am really excited about seeing what you have chosen as our New Rare theme, Thanks to everyone who voted for Arte, thank you for running and I hope the other candidates try again in two years. I would have loved to seen Debbie Dragon in action, she would have brought something special for sure and Sophia, I would have enjoyed tryng out your recipes. As for Goober, you were the most Awesome Mayor we could have ever asked for and I do hope you enjoy your time away. Take a vacation and have a well earned rest.

  9. hammeat says:

    I voted for you! So excited to get a new rare theme… I hope this “artistical decorative theme” is a hint it will be something that has to do with art like maybe a museum/gallery

  10. megamom12 says:

    Congratulations Arte Fact. I look forward to seeing your leadership skills. I’m also extremely curious as to what new Rare theme you have in mind!

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