Webkinz Webcomic: Show a Loved One You Care!

Show a loved one you care this Valentine’s Day!
Deluxe Membership plans are available at Ganz eStore!
Superhero Costumes Coming Soon!

272 Responses to Webkinz Webcomic: Show a Loved One You Care!

  1. Zike says:

    So I think they’re implying that we’re supposed to be the superheroes, and to get Deluxe for someone you love. So that means… they’re calling us… a Love Puffin with fire powers? XD

  2. sarah says:

    i hate the delux thing its lame and a way to make people take your money it never used to cost so why make it cost now i think it should be free

  3. It is a Secret says:

    I wish that there was no such thing as deluxe or the Ganz store or that everyone could be a deluxe and buy stuff from the Ganz store without paying in real life!!!

  4. webkinz user says:

    i’m wondering if all the people like soartoowl are having a nice valenine’s day now that ganz has rubbed their faces in the fact [once again!] that they cannot have what others have…and a sneak attack disguised as a cartoon…booooooooooooo!!…super heroes???…more like super villains…if ganz really cared about it’s younger players even 1/2 as much as about their profits then they’d tone down all the online/in-game ads about the e-store and deluxe membership…enough already!!…and keep them out of our kinzpost mailboxes…that’s going WAY TOO FAR!!!

  5. Um i like APPLES says:

    Um…..this comic is rlly bad….NO OFFENSE WEBKINZ PPL….. i like webkinz but rlly! THey need to improve their comics and advertsing skills! ttyl! C U GUYS ON WEBKINZ WORLD!

  6. funpenguinz says:

    soartoowl i have deluxe you do NOT WANT IT

  7. Sprinkles 101 says:

    i think they should have one week where every one gets to use Deluxe Membership so they at least try it. But i agreeing with others think the comic was kinda boring. I know you can do better next time.Deluxe membership also is just another way to play webkinz world. Why don’t you just cut off Deluxe Membership completly if you can’t make a week or so for every one to try it.It isn’t really fair. !!

  8. funpenguinz says:

    I totally agree with Cool kid….

  9. luljeta says:

    I do agree this wasn’t the best comic ever and what if the shunk finds out that the valentine is fake

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