Ella McWoof here! With your help, I’ve sniffed out some important information about the X-citing new project, Webkinz X!
Now, in my EXCLUSIVE SCOOP, here’s more information straight from the TOP SECRET documents!
Along with a new look and a new way to play, like the Pet Care Heart, Family Score, or Pet Requests, Webkinz X will also include a new Dock with an easier way to organize your items!
Here’s a look at what your Dock will look like with the NEW Webkinz!
We have removed the dropdown menu that was used before for sorting and added tabs instead. Within each of these tabs your items will now be grouped together first by item type, and then alphabetically within those types.
Here is exactly how your new Dock of items will be grouped and organized:
- AZ: All
- Special: Gift Boxes, Coins, Tokens, Coupons
- Food: Food, Garden Seeds
- Clothing: Helmets, Hats, Glasses, Shirts, Pants, Skirts, Dresses, Shoes, Belts
- Furniture: Furniture
- Decorations: Wallpapers, Floors, Decoration, Presentable, Carpets, In-Room Games, Webkinz Studio Characters, Webkinz Studio Backgrounds
We have also included a tab for Pet Actions; however at launch Pet Actions won’t be available right away. These will be added back into the Dock in one of our updates coming soon.
Once we have added Pet Actions back to the new Dock, we will also work on a search function for a future update, to help you better locate your items.
Some of the other updates to the new Dock include:
- No need to “Get Item From Storage”; items will now load dynamically on demand
- No Dock color customization or pet portrait background
- KinzCash and eStore Points have been moved to the top center of the screen
- KinzTime, Cell Phone, Message Center and KinzPost have all been moved to the top right corner of the screen
- HELP button has been moved to the new Options menu
We have also removed the Map of Kinzville items from the Dock and moved them to their own separate Dock which only appears when you visit the map. At launch, this separate Map Stuff Dock won’t allow you to sell your map decorations back to the WShop.
Stay tuned to my column on Wednesday, July 1st and I’ll reveal MORE about the exciting secret project, Webkinz X!
So, fellow detectives, what do YOU think about Webkinz X so far? Let me know in the comments below!
Want to know MORE? Check out our Webkinz X Newz Article Archive here.
Lookin’ good Ganz, when will this update actually happen??? :)
it looks so awesome when does it actually happen
omg so Xcited!!
I love it! Finding items will me so much easier. The only thing I’m kinda disappointed about is no more pet backgrounds. I really liked my pet’s background.
Wait wouldn’t you be able to see pet backgrounds in the trade room? Also does that mean all our existing action sequences get deleted. Mine weren’t that great but I’m going to write it down.
i’m sure your saved pet action sequences will be there once they’ve finished the pet actions.
I really liked pet backgrounds also!
I totally agree 100%! I was hoping they would organize things like this, especially the clothing, but I’m sad to see the background and color options leave :(
I LIKED dock customization and pet backgrounds! I HATE THIS PART OF WEBKINZ X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep deluxe stuff so it’s actually WORTH $60.00 for annual! Also, I liked the previous food icon better. I don’t like the mortar and pestle or whatever that thing is. I like the alphabetical order of everything now. It seems easier to find stuff than searching for 20 hours looking for sugar berries. :P Also, what is the thing the pet wants in the kinzville map picture? exercise? ~webkinzrockz131~
It’s a bowl with a spoon! Lol too much biology class? Yeah the one thing I don’t like is no pet background. I wonder if it still shows up in the tournament arena and trading room
I hope you will be able to still customize stuff like that with Deluxe too, as I was thinking about getting Deluxe for 3 months sometime soon to try it out.. Also, just so ya know, it is $45 a year for Deluxe (Plus tons of points, a free pet, and a super deluxe item). I know because I’ve been looking at it.
Should be MORE customization, not less. Honestly maybe everyone should customize their docks and with a few bonus for deluxe only. And paying certain games and doing certain things add more customizations.
I agree, griffoned. I was thinking when I saw that: Well, Deluxe Members will miss the customization part of this.
The alphabetical order is staying the same, it’s just coupons and coins will go with gifts, seeds will go with food, and wallpaper and floors will go with decorations.
i was hoping it would be more like the WShop where we’d see more items in each category in the same order as the shop. oh, well. this will work, i’m sure.
Yes, elsafan, to me it seems like the organization of the dock isn’t really changing much. The items are already grouped this way & already alphabetized within their groups! The change is mostly cosmetic as far as I can see.
Yeah exactly
Each category is already alphabetized, that’s why it takes 20 hours to look for sugarberries if you have a lot of stuff in your dock. But I agree with you. I prefer it the way it is, and I hate that once again we’re losing Deluxe stuff, stuff we paid money for.
Honestly you did get extra family points or being deluxe so it is a small price to pay. Honestly though, BEING A FAMILY ISN’T ABOUT BUYING UPGRADES!
Well said griffoned! Well said!
Thank you
It’s definiely going to take some getting used to, but I’m liking Webkinz X more and more :)
I feel the same way! At first I was like “This doesn’t sound good..” but after a few more hints at this, I changed to “Wow, this seems pretty cool!!”. Guess you can’t judge a book by its cover.
Thank you so much for updating the dock. No easy task with so many different types of items. Was still hoping for clothing outfits and room themes to be grouped together. Could that be a part of the “search” function?
This all looks great!! I am really excited, but I hope the old features don’t turn out to better than the old ones. Anybody now when this is all going to go into effect?
My guess is July 8th, because that’s when the marshmallow collection basket is moving to the Map instead of being in the room. And because July 8th is a Wednesday, when updates to Webkinz World are usually done.
Cool, I hope it is soon. I’ve been anticipating it for a long while. I feel like this is being a little too drawn out, but I am also just impatient!
it’s cute and bubbly!!! (^-^)
Yeah, not too shabby! It definitely looks like there is more room and shows more of the map for the Map of Kinzville. I think this is pretty cool. I also think I’ll still miss the old stuff either way though. As I said before, I’ll get used to it!
Yay, new dock! I’m glad there will eventually be a search function and there isn’t “get items from storage” (that would sometimes crash Webkinz for me). I like the new layout a lot! It’s much cleaner, simpler, and modern! ☺§
Ya, this is so cool! :D
I wonder if Webkinz will update The Trading Room?
I hope that the search function would work for stuff in your room too. I am forever forgetting where i put stuff.
Totally agreed you, it’s easier to find things and it’s really modern so……I can’t wait for it, so eXcited!!!!! :} :D :}
This I AMAZING!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT! :D Im so excited about webkinz X- I love change!! In the trading room when I’m looking for stuff, then put something from the table into my dock, my dock goes back to start. It’s annoying, because I can’t put things up quickly. I hope webkinz X helps this!! \^=^/
yess hopefully!!! ☺§
ICEE: SWEET!!!! Far out! Taylor: OHHHHH looks like the mobile! Sugar: Nice!
what is the red tab with the yellow N? or is it a lightning bolt?
I think that is for the pet actions and dont worry i also thought it was a N
When I am trading, I put up a Patado (Just Kidding) and when they say they don’t want it, I put it back in my dock and BAM! It just goes back to the start! I hope Webkinz X will fix this too!
Exactly what I mean!! I have a big feeling webkinz X is going to solve this issue!
Yeah I hope so too!
I SURE DO hope so!:)
and i hope stuff won’t jump around in the dock. it’s really annoying like when i’ve played Jumbleberry Fields and i think i’ve gotten all the berries into my jars, but one of them jumped to another place and i see it there later.
I KNOW! I hope they will fix this, because it really annoys me when i’m trying to clear out my dock of all the junk I don’t need. But…. I think Webkinz X WILL try to deal with this glitch, and if they can’t, well….. we can try to live with it
Hey catheart, you wanted me to send you deluxe items from the cafe theme but WHAT IS YOUR USERNAME? :p
It’s kittycat6406. I also can’t Believe that you still remember that, I forgot.
I am usually pretty positive about trying new things, but this is a lot different. There will be much to relearn for long time players. I see positive sides to it, because it looks like the icons are there to help to navigate without having to read too much but I am a little confused about the dock changes. It seems in order to find anything in the dock you still would need to know its correct name and spelling. The hard part is knowing what things are actually named, especially when trying to decorate a room theme. Even the theme names do not always correspond. Let’s say I want to do the medieval theme, I cannot type in medieval and get all the items I’ve collected, I must know exactly what each item is called. I was hoping for at least tabs within the tabs, for instance you click on the furniture button and get tabs to click on like seating, beds, lamps, windows, wall art, etc….. then at least you wouldn’t have to surf through every piece of furniture you’ve collected. Bummed, all these changes and this is a major hurdle to building creatively designed rooms more quickly. Gifting quickly, trading quickly, selling quickly etc. I too am concerned about the size of the icons and items, looks like they may be harder to view, especially everything on the blue/colored background. That’s just my thoughts, I don’t want to seem negative. I think it’s great the Ganz is making efforts all the time to improve features and give us new and improved play, items, events. Thanks GANZ for listening. xoxo chrissysranch
Wait….. No background or dock customization???? Those are two reasons I love being deluxe. But other than that it seems pretty cool
Also that is something that we paid for. Seems to me that we should be getting something else for them taking away something that I already paid for.
Could someone please send me the gray scuba diving helmet? I couldn’t find it anywhere! I am nataliecatty. (The . isn’t in my username) Thankyou so much! You guys are awesome! :D
I don’t really like the change
I like being able to find items quicker but the design honestly doesn’t look very good (it’s so plain boring and blue compared to the old multi color look). All those little icons everywhere, I can see how this might be very confusing for kids. I’m sure eventually it’ll get easier to remember but it’s going to take some getting used to. Also, the items in the dock seem so much smaller and I’m not sure that’s the greatest idea either. But dock organization will be so much nicer so that’s a big plus.
I don’t like it too much either but at least we don’t have to load our dock every time we log in. So let’s look on the bright side, coopercow! There are some good things coming along with Webkinz X! (:
I liked loading my dock. I have over 4,000 items in my dock, so it’s hard to find jumbleberries and items I just bought if all of the items are loaded.
Is it just me or does GANZ seem to be aiming Webkinz X towards younger kids? (No offence to anyone)
I can! Username is iva44 i’ll add you now ^_^
Thankyou so much FrizzleLlines! What would you like in return? :)
I like the Dock and everything thee way it is. Why does it have to change?
Me too! The new one looks confusing and if it’s all blue things will be hard to see. I don’t like it at all.
I have a scuba helmet, it looks gray. I can send it to you for free and you can see if it’s the right one, I don’t really like it.
Oh and I’m olqpbeth
Thankyou elsafan13! :)
Your welcome :) I’ll get it to you as soon as I can
Crud. Well, I don’t like this at all.
it’s really not very different from the dock we have now. i wish they’d used more tabs. there are still going to be a lot of items in each category. sigh.
This is MUCH more organized! I get SO confused on the regular one and…IT IS INPOSSIBLE
I agree! I like the new dock’s tabs!
The thing under top secret is a new edit menu. Webkinz you can make it more opaque then that! I can see through that top secret bar. That one is ok because you can figure out there is no edit menu on the screen.
Well I think I have it. I can send it to you, do you have that fountain from the Super Wheel? I would like that or maybe the Cuckoo Clock or the Campkinz Bookshelf (also from today’s Super Wheel). My user is mailytrainor476.
No color customization? I mean, I love blue, but it would be nice if we could change the blue to some color and the yellow to another… :/
I am sad about no color and background changing also.
I’m wondering about that too, it’s one of the things Deluxe members paid for with their membership. So what will they get now instead?
Looks like I’m not the only one who is going to miss color customization. How disappointing.
Yeah, I’m gonna miss color customization and pet backgrounds ;-; . I like changing up my dock and adding a cool backdrop for my pet, they should at least let us color the other areas of the new dock, well, at least later in the new program. But I do like the prizes we earn when we take care of our pets! ^-^
I hate to say this but Ganz, I will really miss the old Webkinz World
I really will be right there with you, 30064gEB. I will miss it as well. ):
Oh, I am really going to love the new format for getting to items! It seems like it is going to be so much easier to get to the items that I want!
I agree! No more having to go through dozens of ‘objects’ A-Y to get to a Z object! Looking forward to this change!
I also like change, but only positive changes. Not so sure of this new design, but I absolutely adore how we earn prizes by taking care of our pet! *~Warriors2002~*
ugh… when is this coming out already!!! like when can we see our *new* dock????? XD
I do like this change, even though I will have to get used to it I’m sure. I like that we won’t need to get items from storage. I think when I see it for real in Webkinz I’ll like it more, since right now I can’t get the entire feel of it. But this is cool, Ganz! Thanks for all the awesome updates.
Steve has two messages XD look! see for yourself! XD
Hey a lot of love and thought went into that name lol XD XD
Yeah, that happens to me to, but I don’t like this, change! webkinz is good the way it is, hopefully you notice this, and stop changing EVERYTHING next what are you going to do? change our pet dock??? this is NOT a good idea I like the pet score idea, but THIS is way, too much. I might just quit webkinz cause of this! :l
Please, guys, don’t quit just because of a change. I know this is a drastic one, and Deluxe Members won’t be able to customize their docks, but it’s not worth quitting over; at least I don’t think so. So please, don’t lose heart yet!
@qwedsaperson: I agree COMPLETELY. I’ve been hoping for a good dock improvement since ’08. My PC is so slow, so hopefully this’ll help. So cool, Ganz.
This is SOOOO cool and amazing I can’t believe this! I really must calm down… *deep breaths*.
Well, at least updating Webkinz shows that the staff does still cares about Webkinz, for a little while I thought it was going downhill, maybe this update will draw new and old players to play, Webkinz needs more new things to do, and I think this is great, but no color change for your dock or pet background?! wasn’t that part of being deluxe…?! PLEASE don’t do this! That was one of the best things about being deluxe! now I kinda feel robbed…PLEASE at LEAST add the dock color change back!! D: There should be options on the music and sound effects, I want to hear MY music and not have to hear arcade sounds or hear the hosts talk all the time….It gets annoying after a while…
I agree with you qwedsaperson! Takes me so long to make my trades!
I’m sad about webkinz changing. I liked the old webkinz :-(
I love change too! this webkinz X is super eXciting!
YES!!! I completely agree, qwedsaperson! I have the same problem in the trading room, and I think this will fix it.