Webkinz X Revealed: The New Dock!



Ella McWoof here! With your help, I’ve sniffed out some important information about the X-citing new project, Webkinz X!


Now, in my EXCLUSIVE SCOOP, here’s more information straight from the TOP SECRET documents!



Along with a new look and a new way to play, like the Pet Care Heart, Family Score, or Pet Requests, Webkinz X will also include a new Dock with an easier way to organize your items!


Here’s a look at what your Dock will look like with the NEW Webkinz!













We have removed the dropdown menu that was used before for sorting and added tabs instead. Within each of these tabs your items will now be grouped together first by item type, and then alphabetically within those types.


Here is exactly how your new Dock of items will be grouped and organized:


  • AZ: All
  • Special: Gift Boxes, Coins, Tokens, Coupons
  • Food: Food, Garden Seeds
  • Clothing: Helmets, Hats, Glasses, Shirts, Pants, Skirts, Dresses, Shoes, Belts
  • Furniture: Furniture
  • Decorations: Wallpapers, Floors, Decoration, Presentable, Carpets, In-Room Games, Webkinz Studio Characters, Webkinz Studio Backgrounds


We have also included a tab for Pet Actions; however at launch Pet Actions won’t be available right away. These will be added back into the Dock in one of our updates coming soon.


Once we have added Pet Actions back to the new Dock, we will also work on a search function for a future update, to help you better locate your items.


Some of the other updates to the new Dock include:


  • No need to “Get Item From Storage”; items will now load dynamically on demand
  • No Dock color customization or pet portrait background
  • KinzCash and eStore Points have been moved to the top center of the screen
  • KinzTime, Cell Phone, Message Center and KinzPost have all been moved to the top right corner of the screen
  • HELP button has been moved to the new Options menu


We have also removed the Map of Kinzville items from the Dock and moved them to their own separate Dock which only appears when you visit the map. At launch, this separate Map Stuff Dock won’t allow you to sell your map decorations back to the WShop.






Stay tuned to my column on Wednesday, July 1st and I’ll reveal MORE about the exciting secret project, Webkinz X!


So, fellow detectives, what do YOU think about Webkinz X so far? Let me know in the comments below!



Want to know MORE? Check out our Webkinz X Newz Article Archive here.


237 Responses to Webkinz X Revealed: The New Dock!

  1. LadyOfTheHouse says:

    I LOVE the idea of having tabs in the dock, and that we will eventually be able to search for an item. It will be really helpful in the trading room especially. In the future I would love to see an update that allows us to create custom tabs with manually selected items in them, so that you could create something like a trading tab for just the items you want to offer in the trading room or a storage tab with items for a room you are planning but haven’t made yet, so that you can see what you have and what you still need. I am sad to see color customization go, though, and I’m hoping that it might be something that gets brought back in the future. One thing that concerns me is that, without the “get items from storage” option, my account will run slower. I keep a lot of items in my dock, and having them “in storage” allowed me to play on the account at a normal speed until I needed them, and then I could take them out and deal with the slowed speeds when I was ready to dress or decorate. Will Webkinz X have the same issues?

    • love2uall says:

      i love LadyOfTheHouse’s idea of cutsomizable tabs in the dock! there’s room for several of them and that would be great! how ’bout it, Ganz?

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      It’s pretty much a given that the change will slow down the site. Major updates on here always have. I am hopeful that once they get it up & running, speed may improve.

  2. morggymoo says:

    that looks awesome! it will make things so much easier for trading and stuff.

  3. madeline7670 says:

    Don’t like at all! The only thing I’m excited about is the pet requests, and we can’t even get them right away :( Do not like the look of this at all :/

  4. pinkiecupcake says:

    Aww… I liked customizing my dock! Is there any chance that you can make the new docks customizable? Maybe not at launch, but a later addition? I can understand pet backgrounds not being customizable, but maybe the colors of our dock?

    • love2uall says:

      yeah, especially since there is no pet background at all anymore! i’m a little disappointed that the pet doesn’t appear wearing its clothes. that would reeeeeally be nice!

  5. woofwoof10000 says:

    No….. no I don’t like it ;___; please don’t make this my dock

  6. balloonfishy12 says:

    No offense Webkinz but it looks more childish. Anyone agree?

    • wk2nd says:

      Yes, Way more juvenile.

    • 4ulittleone2 says:

      I agree.. Wish the ones that DON’T want it to change could keep our old accounts the way they are now. I agree that it looks like its for small children and not everyone. there are adults who play and i’m sure they’re thinking the same thing. I’m excited about the upcoming prizes and taking care if our pets but not the look of the new menu. Where is the log out?

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      I’m afraid I have to agree with you on that.

  7. TheMamaDragon2 says:

    I like the options (can’t wait for search feature). Would still like sub-menus within categories, one can’t always remember the name of an item. The look of it all… not so fond of. Strikes my eye as cluttered and childish (yes, I know it’s for kids, but this looks like it’s for young kids, the Webkinz Jr crowd). I’ll wait to see how it functions for real before I truly decide if I like it or not. I’ll hold off renewing Deluxe memberships on our accounts until then (and being as my kid stopped playing again I don’t see any reason to renew hers anyway).

  8. beaubo says:

    looks great, I hope the dock will be faster to browse when trading.

  9. SignatureIsland says:

    My sister is going crazy! She almost cried she hated it so much. Even though I’m not deluxe, I REALLY liked dock and pet background customization. It’ll take a REALLY long time to get used to. I just realized, it looks like Webkinz MOBILE when you edit your room. If they’re trying to build webkinz around mobile now, I won’t be happy. Just wondering, WHEN WILL THIS UPDATE TAKE PLACE? I wanna take screenshots of the old webkinz before it’s turned to Modern Website.

  10. 4accounts says:

    I’m hoping this dock change will fix a loading glitch on one of my accounts. I went to customer service and all they did was say I had a glitch. Its been that way since Nov. 2014. The organization up grades look good. hope we can scroll the dock rather than jump 3 which is so slow. I’m optimistic so far. I really like having the dock being loaded on log in. My glitch started with a bad dock loading. Fingers and paws crossed!!!

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