Webkinz X Revealed: The Pet Care Heart!



Ella McWoof here! With your help, I’ve sniffed out some important information about the X-citing new project, Webkinz X!


In my previous Newz story, I showed you the new pet meters and introduced the Pet Care Heart.


Now, in my EXCLUSIVE SCOOP, here’s more information straight from the TOP SECRET documents!



The Pet Care Heart is a new and fun way to interact with your pet! Each day, just by taking care of your pet, you can fill their heart! The more you play and take care of them, the faster you’ll fill it!



Feeding, bathing, grooming, exercising, and playing with your pets all around Webkinz World will help you to fill up their hearts.


While playing with your pets, their Pet Care Hearts will ONLY go up. But each day after midnight, all Pet Care hearts will go down by 25%.


The important thing to know about the Pet Care Heart is that unlike their Happiness, Hunger and Energy meters, a full or empty Pet Care Heart does NOT affect your pet in ANY way. So even if you have too many pets to keep ALL of their Pet Care Hearts filled all of the time, they’ll be just fine.


So then, why fill the Pet Care heart at all? Because filling up Pet Care hearts will earn you more KinzCash and Family Score!



What is Family Score? It’s the biggest and best improvement to Webkinz World yet! Stay tuned to my column on Tuesday, June 16th and I’ll reveal MORE about the exciting secret project, Webkinz X!


312 Responses to Webkinz X Revealed: The Pet Care Heart!

  1. we1443a says:

    I`m very excited about Webkinz X. I have always wished Webkinz would get bigger ever since I started playing in 2010. – emhoov

  2. Marbles360 says:

    I think that it sounds cool, but I cant be on webkinz every day so I cant fill my heart

  3. unicorn2910 says:

    I don’t like it at ALL. :(

  4. 4accounts says:

    If I understand you only the pet you are playing will gain levels for its heart. All the other pets will lose 25% of their heart levels so after 4 days they’ll all be at “0″. How does this make us feel good about caring for our pets? The level we leave them with when we change pets should not change, like it is now. I barely have enough time as it is to do a few activities on each of my accounts and you are pressuring me to do more just to maintain them? These changes do not sound player friendly or fun. I hope I’m wrong but what you’ve said so far has me worried.

    • tkdmomof6 says:

      I agree with you. It is a punishment to those of us who have been players for years and acquired dozens of pets. There is also no incentive to add more pets only to see their meters drop to zero after 4 days. The only players who will be able to keep up are the new players with only a few pets. I think it is great to reward them, but it does not seem fair to the loyal fans who have been playing for years.

      • Matt Webkinz says:

        Please read the article, it clearly states that the value does not effect the individual pets. In fact, with more pets you have more opportunities to fill the heart and thus effect your family score.

  5. rockergirl40 says:

    Alright, now that I know they’re not completely changing EVERYTHING, I’m rather excited!!!!

  6. camillegaz says:

    me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. fizzypop2001 says:

    webkinz why did you have to change?! probably won’t play after webkinz X. oh well

  8. PomPomPuppySoCute100 says:

    I ment dont quit it will change but not the things we love they will keep the things we love

  9. kingdomheartsnerd says:

    I have 155+ pets :(((

  10. kandykinz says:

    Really looking forward to more and more!! Thank you so much Ganz for something new! Changes make Webkinz exciting and fresh!

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