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Zodiac Pets are special pets that correspond with the Zodiac calendar throughout the year. For each Zodiac sign, a different Exclusive Online Pet will be available.
Find this pet and many more at Ganz eStore!
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Find this pet and many more at Ganz eStore!
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I entered the contest too. I might win,and he’s sooo cute I can’t resist.I’m a Pisces,don’t feel bad,i’ts a two headed fish.
guys gosh!!! stop complaining to ganz about no more estore some people can buy stuff, they’re doing their bests to help you, didn’t you guys hear about those new cards wich have estore points code where you buy from any shop they’re coming soon so stop complaining, ganz is the best thank you ganz!!! i would be nothing with out you !!! only if i was a member from 05 i would have been better and you guys complain about estore while i don’t complain just wish i had plumpy glasses or deer antlers, just dream that i did !!
i rreeaaallly want this pupppyy i entered the contest and ganz please mine is amazing please i hope i wiiin!!!! iiiiiii loooooooovvvee it and i loooooooove gaaanz!!!1 thanks for being alive!!
Yep, heard of it. I was born as an Aries(me spell wrong), but now?I’M A PISCES.GREAT.I’M A FISH.
I agree with Elrctric Squirrel because it is a waste of money why did you come up with that mean idea i can’t say the D word bye p.s but e-store is a mean idea because you spend money ans some parents don’t let us use alot of money
I DO NOT LIKE THE E STORE!!!!!!:{ Please put everything in e-store in the w-shop because some kids can’t buy things on e-store and I know it is bugging me and it probably is bugging everyone who can’t buy it so i’m never going to e-store again until my wish has come true. GOOD DAY AND I SAY GOOD DAY!!!!!!:{
I am with you kitykat
Yep, i agree with u, kitykat. NO ESTORE!!!!! I’VE WASTED SO MUCH MONEY ON IT!:P :P :P :P ESTORE!!!!!!!
this dog is awsome i entered the contest
aargh webkinz estore is such a pain… i really want to win this dog because i am an aquarius (idk if i spelled that right.) but seriously! you all are about making money now because now your site is a major company well guess what! DOWN WITH THE ESTORE!!