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Zodiac Pets are special pets that correspond with the Zodiac calendar throughout the year. For each Zodiac sign, a different Exclusive Online Pet will be available.
Find this pet and many more at Ganz eStore!
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Find this pet and many more at Ganz eStore!
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The element of Pisces is water and I’m a really good swimmer and love water. So I’m actually happy to be a fish XD. It would be cool if they made a Pisces dolphin since I like the webkinz fish but they aren’t my favorite. But so excited for my Zodiac pet to come out in a few weeks!!!
Your right. People should just be thankful for Webkinz. It would make me feel like a big pile of rotten pies if someone said DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with my idea. Real people are working on computers on Webkinz, not just computers make Webkinz. Real people have feelings. Plus, many more people would be complaining if they took away the estore.
Net is so funny! He dresses so weird!:)
This is so funny! The guy talks funny and is halarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I entered the contest too. I sure hope i win.
lol I entered the contest I HOPE I WIN! Not to Brag but I I thought mine was pretty good not expecting to win but I might all depends on what the judges think of my winter haiku lol good luck everyone and sry for being so tough on ya last comment but I just don’t want anymore people complaining about Ganz and the e-store like I said b4 the e-store is just for fun if you don’t like it then don’t buy from it and I agree with the people who saying you don’t need to mention it in the comments just keep it to yourself Ganz works really hard and when they read all the comments complaining about Ganz and the e-store they’ll be really upset and somedon’t allow comments complaining lol be thankful PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. YOU CAN’T SAY NO TO 11 pleases, thanks for the people who actually listen to me and if you don’t like either Wekbinz or Ganz than don’t go on it ur account will expire sooner or later and you won’t need to worry you can delete your account but later you’ll regret it LISTEN TO ME PLEASE!!!
YOU GUYS STOP COMPLAINING!GANZ WORKS REALLY HARD ON MAKING YOUR WEBKINZ WORLD BETTER!I mean you guys who complaining “DOWN WITH THE E-STORE!!! DOWN WITH IT!!!!”you guys can’t even think of better ideas for webkinz world e-store is just for fun just if you want to if your parents say no THAN ITS NO!!! My parents only bought me a virtual pet once the tinkerpup but who cares cuz Webkinz World is already good enough some people only have 1 or 2 webkinz I have 24 and I’m thankful you too should be thankful you have more if you do lol what you guy’s problem get on with it the virtual pets are the same price as the plush pets if you haven’t mentioned that to your mom\dad than TELL THEM!!! Geez please I hate it when people complain cuz some people don’t have any webkinz and you should be glad you do like people in Africa they don’t even have computer BE THANKFUL! WHO’S WITH ME!
I sooo agree with anyone who says the estore is a waste and i s unfair to those who cant use it. every time i log on i see so many ads about buying stuff on the estore its annnoying.
I hope I win the contest for this pet as well! Even though I’m not Aquarius. Its a cute little dog! :D :D :D
im not with yo, kikat. in fact, anyone who hates it, i say down with you!!!!:P ps ilove kitkats but i do not love you, kitkat! pps, it is ssoo ccuuttee!!