Wallpaper & Flooring Finalists Revealed!

Wow! We had tons of amazing entries in our Wallpaper and Flooring Design Contest! Thank you to everyone who entered! It was a tough task but after a lot of discussion, we have narrowed the list down to ten finalists.


Three grand prize winners will have their wallpaper and flooring made into virtual Wallpaper and Flooring in Webkinz World! They will also receive a Good Fortune Hedgehog, and all ten finalists will each receive a 2019 Spring Super Mystery Bag.


While the final decision on which three we create will be up to the creative team at Webkinz, we want to hear from you to help us decide. Please let us know in the comments which is YOUR favorite Wallpaper & Flooring.


The winners will be announced on March 15. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

216 Responses to Wallpaper & Flooring Finalists Revealed!

  1. Coopertheboss says:

    observatory, the loft and first Webkinz to the moon

  2. megapoot says:

    Wow, my design is in the finals! Thank you so much!

  3. bella201223 says:

    These are all absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to update some of my pet’s rooms with them!

    • bella201223 says:

      That said, my top three are: 1) Nest room, I have all my birds in one room and I tried to create that look with what was available and this would be SO PERFECT! 2) Observatory- I NEED IT I’ve had thoughts of adding an observatory next to my classroom and already had ideas on how to furnish/decorate it, and it will work perfectly with the starry theme!!! 3) Dragon’s lair for gold and jewel-themed items and for anyone who has a dragon pet or mine enthusiast

  4. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Ooooh how cool! Okay, here are my top three… the observatory (for sure!) and the loft.. I really love those two. There are a couple other rooms I like, ah.. I guess the ocean overlook? If you guys make the ocean overlook more 3D, I would love that! Congratulations to all of these finalists though.. these are all really cute and cool ideas!

  5. RockRfox says:

    My favorite is the Dragon’s Lair! It’s very close to what I’ve been hoping for for a long time – a cave room to put my mine carts and gems in. I’ve always been surprised that there doesn’t seem to be a cave room theme already. My second favorite is the loft, which would be great for my news blogger items, I think. I hope you guys will make those two themes at least.

  6. doodlebug72898 says:

    The Loft, Rainy Day, and the Conservatory are my favorites!

  7. foggy says:

    Great designs! I’m wavering between the Observatory and the Loft.

  8. ebbe9443 says:

    Mid Century or Loft – Love both of them

  9. locococoapuff says:

    my favorite is the loft!

  10. Moonbeam52403 says:

    Omg I love the observatory I hope it wins its so pretty!

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