Wallpaper & Flooring Finalists Revealed!

Wow! We had tons of amazing entries in our Wallpaper and Flooring Design Contest! Thank you to everyone who entered! It was a tough task but after a lot of discussion, we have narrowed the list down to ten finalists.


Three grand prize winners will have their wallpaper and flooring made into virtual Wallpaper and Flooring in Webkinz World! They will also receive a Good Fortune Hedgehog, and all ten finalists will each receive a 2019 Spring Super Mystery Bag.


While the final decision on which three we create will be up to the creative team at Webkinz, we want to hear from you to help us decide. Please let us know in the comments which is YOUR favorite Wallpaper & Flooring.


The winners will be announced on March 15. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

216 Responses to Wallpaper & Flooring Finalists Revealed!

  1. mommyocam says:

    I love the moon flooring and wallpaper! And wouldn’t it be amazing if the pets were automatically wearing helmets (like in an underwater room) and floated as if they were really on the moon with low gravity?

  2. lilstinky says:

    The Loft is my favorite. Great job by all the artists.

  3. obie987 says:

    Really like them, the big moon is great, then nest flooring is so cool, love the idea of looking at ships and whales on the ocean one, the loft windows are so neat the way they are slanted, the dragon floor with gems love it, the big earth and moon, the pink sheep, rain drops, mod furniture, and the drawling room what sharp ideas. Can’t wait to see which is chosen.

  4. icecubethe2nd says:

    mid century is amazing! i need this wallpaper in my own home!!!

  5. HobbitJedi says:

    The Dragon’s Lair is perfect for an Erebor room from The Hobbit!

  6. whiteuni7 says:

    I love the loft and the observatory. :)

  7. cagebird says:

    Wow! People are so creative! PLEASE let the Dragon’s Lair and Observatory win!! I already have ideas bubbling in my head for those rooms!! I also like the Loft room as well so that would be my ideal third choice. Makes me think of the book series Flowers In The Attic. :)

  8. clairnicbear says:

    There are too many I like!!! I have no idea how I am going to vote!

  9. sparklez914 says:

    Observatory is definitely a pretty design. The First Webkinz on The Moon design is super cool because you make show a lot of depth in the universe around the moon.

  10. pinkiecupcake says:

    My three votes go to Observatory, The Loft, and Rainy Day. My three (very close) runners up are for Ocean Overlook, Dragon’s Lair, and First Webkinz on the Moon. But all of them are awesome, so whatever you make will be fine. :D

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