What Did Ella Discover?


Thanks for your hard work investigating Webkinz X! You guys all make great reporters – I hope those supplies I gave you in the Park helped!


I’ve learned a little bit more about the project – but not much. Apparently this is part of the ‘evolution’ of Webkinz. Sounds like there is change coming.


But I’ve also heard that the parts of Webkinz we all love will still be there. (Phew!)


You roving reporters brought these three cryptic images to my attention:










What could they mean? It’s a real headscratcher, isn’t it?


I’m going to keep on the trail and see what else I can find out, but I just wanted to say a huge thank you! Your crack reporting skills helped to point me in the right direction!


Stay tuned…

158 Responses to What Did Ella Discover?

  1. jellydonut says:

    Man, I was hoping for new information

  2. Tw33tybird says:

    i cant wait to finally find out what webkinz X is!!! :)

  3. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    While I thought she would discover more, this article is a GREAT hint as to what it is! Thank you Ella!

  4. puppypearl2014 says:


  5. JoyfulLark says:

    It looks like they’ll be showing us our health/happiness/hunger with just bars, which I don’t like because it’s not as exact as when we get numbers. I recognize the wheel (the first one) as a navigation bar from something else I play. I’m just worried it will be harder to find the exact places I want to go. When I want to go to Quizzy’s or Kinzville Park I can just click on the name in the Things To Do menu. I’m worried it will be harder to find exact places to go to in this new version.

  6. topcutey says:

    really? nothing?

  7. hollow79 says:

    ugh, i already knew about these pictures as Ganz posted them earlier this month/May. Can’t you give us any new info WKZ?

  8. winterwarriorwolf says:

    We’ve already seen all this…. :/ And none of the things that I got in the park from Ella helped me figure out what Webkinz X is all about. The same things keep being said. But at least everything we love is still going to stay.

  9. arzi02 says:

    My guess is the blue and yellow circles designed to look like a paw will become the replacement of the ‘things to do’ menu. The purple circle in the next column might be a medal of some sorts, or a symbol that means your pet is at perfect health. That brings me to the final image. That heart might replace the ‘hunger’, the ‘heath’, the ‘happiness’ and the ‘dress’ and ‘edit’ buttons.

  10. MandevillaRed says:

    I hope it’s a big update for Mobile! That would be awesome!!

    • MandevillaRed says:

      “But I’ve also heard that the parts of Webkinz we all love will still be there.” This sentence scares me. I think it means some of Webkinz will go bye-bye! *shivers* What parts???? (cue Jaws theme song)

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