What Kind of Rare Theme Would YOU add to Webkinz Next?

There are 3 Rare Themes in Webkinz Next and all of them can be sent back to Webkinz Classic!

The Aztec, Victorian Mansion and Art Nouveau themes can only be purchased in Webkinz Next. The only way to add them to your Classic account is to send them from your linked Next account.

If we could design one new Rare theme in Webkinz Next that would be available to send to Classic, what would YOU like the theme to be?

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



75 Responses to What Kind of Rare Theme Would YOU add to Webkinz Next?

  1. unifreebee says:

    I’d like to see something along the lines of an Art Gallery, with classic art pieces as well as colorful, modern stuff, with unusually shaped furniture items.

  2. bunns10 says:

    Pilgrim or savanna would be great

  3. tigres20058 says:

    I would like the theme to be Dark Academia or Gothic.

  4. sunflowers2024 says:

    I would love to see a new unique to NEXT theme. I guess you are trying to merge some classic items over to next but new would be better. I think I would like to see something like the decades, the 70′s. the 8o’s and 90′s. You have such an amazing creative team right now that I bet they can make it work.

  5. beerfeet says:

    I would like the idea of a fairytale castle theme with a color scheme, similar to the Persian theme in classic with all the pretty turquoise and purple and details. We got the lovely Wishingwell and castle tower on next so I’d like a house exterior to match them with windows & maybe a knot garden and castle wall type fence. A couple of lovely tapestries to hang on the wall.

  6. zdri says:

    The Persian one, or if not the Egyptian one.

  7. kerowyn says:

    How does that work if you have more than one acct in Classic? Can the theme be sent to both accts or do we have to pick and choose which one?

  8. crystalfawns53 says:

    I would probably really like to have a version of the Whimisical Wonderland theme on Next because it’s one of my favorite rare themes on Classic. But for the current themes, I just really wish that there was a wallpaper and flooring for the Art Nouveau theme like there is for the Neo Aztec and Victorian Mansion room theme because the Art Nouveau theme feels incomplete without it.

    • SugarP says:

      I didn’t realize that the wallpaper and flooring in the Art Nouveau picture isn’t part of the Art Nouveau theme. Does anyone know what theme they’re from? I’m not very familiar with next themes.

  9. KelliAnn11 says:

    I love being able to send these items to myself in Classic, but I wish that I could also send them to my friends on Classic as gifts – especially those that don’t have Next accounts!

  10. 2002hun says:

    Whatever theme it is please let us send a copy or the actual item back to classic!

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