What’s Next on Webkinz Next in October

There’s much to love about October, and here are some of the things you can look forward to on Webkinz Next!

  • Season 17 — September 27 – October 31
  • Werewolf Room Theme – October 1 – October 31
  • October Appreciation Day – October 10
  • Trick or Treat Event – October 20 – 31
  • Ghost Hunt – October 20 – 31
  • Halloween Login Gift – October 31

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



19 Responses to What’s Next on Webkinz Next in October

  1. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Same Here Guys Neat Theme, ganz did a good job making that theme, but I can’t wait for the new VAMPIRE KITTEN It’s not released yet, but it should be sometime !

  2. XenoQuacker says:

    The werewolf wallpaper and flooring cannot be sent to Classic like the rest of the theme. Will this be corrected?

  3. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Is booreeves lucky mega dream? Because lucky mega dream is my best friend on Webkinz next if so it’s me Blossom

  4. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Did you get the joke? Lol because it’s a werewolf theme…lol

  5. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    That theme is so cute makes me want to Howl!

  6. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Yes sorry I’m a little late to the party but I totally agree with that and and lucky mega dream is that you it’s me blossom your best friend

  7. wk2nd says:

    Cute theme! When is the Vampire Bat Cat going to be availabe? It’s October 1st & there’s no kitty or costumes. :(

  8. booreeves says:

    I can’t wait to get some Werewolf stuff.

  9. teamascot says:

    Bonesbongo, I am seeking your advice. I read your comments in different newz articles that you have 11 Webkinz accounts, 8 of which are deluxe plus you have over 12 Million family score points!! I cannot think of anyone more qualified to give advice. I’m currently in a full membership with 5 pets. Would you recommend Deluxe? Any advice on increasing my family score points? Your help is very much appreciated! Your friend, teamascot

    • tuxkitty1 says:

      Hi teamascot! I have been a member for 15 years. I became a deluxe member about five years ago. I definitely love being deluxe. You get extra benefits that help you and amazing goodies. I try to get seeds and dispensers that help me feed my 98 pets. I can’t wait till next year to get the new Googles Tree Dispenser that DuckNoodle designed. Always feed and exercise(treadmill, swim and trampoline) every day. Family points add up that way. Hope you have fun playing!

      • Dolan says:

        I agree with tuxkitty1. I have also been a member for 15 years and deluxe for 10. I’m a huge fan of seeds and dispensers as well. I only have one account, but it has over 700 pets and 8 million family score points! I always buy my deluxe membership on Black Friday when it’s half price. Hope that helps! punk4life

        • crystalfawns53 says:

          I agree with tuxkitty1 and Dolan. I have only been a member for almost 13 years, and deluxe for 4 of those years, but being deluxe can definitely help in giving you discounts in purchasing pets that can offset the cost of deluxe membership. Black Friday usually has the best deals when it comes to membership and having membership plus buying pets during that time can definitely help you save a lot of money. In addition to the suggestions of feeding and having your pets exercise, I would recommend having your pets take a bath in a bathtub, brush their teeth in a sink, and take a shower in a shower (the one that I use is the blue floral shower that can be earned in Peek-A-Newz gift boxes). Those can give 15 addition points per day per pet which can definitely add up. Also, if you get the hearts filled for 10 pets per day, it will give bonus points towards your family score when you get heart points for any other pets that you interact with for that day. This was how I was able to get a million family points over a course of a year with 130 pets. I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck in earning more family points!

    • bonesbongo says:

      Hi, teamascot My account that has over 12 million family score I have had for almost 15 years. 14 years I have had deluxe membership on that account I love it, I enjoy completing the challenges for the great prizes each month do my job x3 daily usually take a pet to KVA daily several pets have earned a diploma I have completed all the classes. I have bought a lot of pets over the years 484 adopted on this account. I keep 139 pets at 100% health daily it is a lot of work and time consuming feeding, bathing grooming and exercising the pets everyday but this helps to increase the family score quickly. I have a lot of food dispenses as well from the eStore as well I believe when entering the code this increases family score as well. I also visit Dr. Quack every day in the clubhouse sit on the examination table and collect the lollipop. I buy the Deluxe Membership on Black Friday or New Years when offered for 50% off I then enter the Code Membership when my deluxe membership expires. Have fun playing. ~ shelkinz67

    • teamascot says:

      WOW, thank you everyone for your input! I used your suggestions this morning and definitely received more family score points! The seeds and dispensers sound awesome! I need to start pinching pennies and maybe by Black Friday I’ll have enough money for a deluxe membership. Thanks again! If anyone wants to be friends my username is teamascot

  10. HorseInTheDessert says:


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