White Tiger

159 Responses to White Tiger

  1. Allitan16 says:

    i have the new white tiger

  2. livpulon says:

    That is so cute.

  3. boofity says:

    adorable! Oh, and by the way, SplashKittyLuve, white tigers are not the same as siberian tigers. White tigers are a rare occurrence in tigers that only survive in zoos, because they don’t blend in in the wild and get attacked.

  4. KenzietTomboy15 says:

    I am definitely getting it if it comes out as a plush, it’s my fave animal besides deer.

  5. SYTora says:

    I love Tigers!

  6. SYTora says:

    The plushie is so cute! I am going to name it Tora or Tora Tia when I adopt it online.

  7. Kaitlyn says:

    Now this is my new pet! Daddy would call me Mommy so I wanted to adopt my White Tiger.

  8. joshuam10 says:

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  9. joshuam10 says:


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