Win Tropical Oasis prizes for your home!

Have you been playing Tropical Oasis in Webkinz Next? There are so many incredible prizes to win including an entire collection of spa-tastic home decor.

Which of these items is YOUR favorite?

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



8 Responses to Win Tropical Oasis prizes for your home!

  1. leaveitnow41s says:

    Is it only me? The spa set will not go on the coffee table. Pic logging in shows it on there.

  2. zdri says:

    They are all beautiful, this season is so rewarding!

  3. granma4 says:

    These are some awesome prizes !!! wish we had them on classic :)

  4. SugarP says:

    If I switch to an internet tab for even 2 minutes, when I get back to Webkinz Next, it says the connection is lost and I get logged out. Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening? It makes multitasking virtually impossible with Next. It would especially be nice if I could do something else while waiting for Next to load but the loading often stops if I switch to an internet tab while it’s loading.

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