Winning Room Theme Revealed!



Hello Webkinz Newz Readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! The results are in… and I am pleased to announce that the Webkinz Newz community has chosen the Party Time room theme to be the next theme to be released in the W-Shop. Congratulations to ShanTilley for your winning suggestion!


This was one of our closest votes ever, but the Webkinz Newz community has spoken and you can expect to see this theme being released in the W-Shop on May 10.



Remember, keep visiting Webkinz Newz often. We’ll be showing off concept drawings as this theme is being created allowing YOU to leave feedback and offer ideas as to what we should name each item!


Are you glad this theme won? What items would you like to see included in this theme? Please leave your comments below…


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz!


131 Responses to Winning Room Theme Revealed!

  1. LoliBite says:

    I’m happy that people are being respectful about who won!

  2. greenmagic77 says:

    i wanted the rainbow to win but this was my second pick. I love this one too!

  3. 19952005 says:

    I really liked the rainbow one! :(

  4. Kinzcats101 says:


  5. tkkac says:

    I’m sure this theme will be nice (it was my second choice) but I voted for the Big City Loft. The loft would have left us with furniture/items that could be used in any room. The party room furniture/items will be for, well, parties and parties alone. so they most likely won’t get as much general use. I would love if the big bows and obvious party decor could be turned on or off by rotating, just to give us some more options.

  6. Honeybear877 says:

    I’m disappointed, I thought the Loft theme would offer a lot more options to use the furniture. With new themes being so infrequent, I’d really have preferred something more general that could be used anywhere. I hope this isn’t too fancy-schmancy bows and confetti :(

  7. 594nat says:

    I am disappointed that this theme won, I really hoped the Big City Loft would win. Well, so far for every time we had to vote for a new theme, the one I liked never won. :-(

  8. jsforfr says:

    I voted for the loft theme but this party theme would have been my second choice. I would love to see at least a few of the items be versatile and not just all loaded up with bows and confetti everywhere. That was the main reason I didn’t vote for this theme. I am worried there won’t be a lot of usefulness to the pieces outside of just in one party room. So please do consider that when designing some of the items. One I would love to see is a long table, like the way the medieval one is, only in white or maybe a white table cloth on it.

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Hooray! :D I can’t wait to see the party theme in the w-shop!! :)

  10. phoebejo says:

    wow really close race, yay the party room won.

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