Zingoz Celebration Extended in Webkinz Next!

Play until June 3!

Have you been enjoying this year’s Wacky rewards?

Good news! Due to some technical issues at the start of this year’s Zingoz Celebration, we’ve extended the event by a day.

Until June 3, when you score 8,000 points or more in Wacky Zingoz in Webkinz Next, you will be rewarded with a random Wacky reward! Will you win the very rare Wacky Sooter? Play to find out!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



27 Responses to Zingoz Celebration Extended in Webkinz Next!

  1. 11auntie says:

    No, I have not been enjoying this year’s rewards! Getting many, many, many “chimes” that don’t even have an audible chime is not fun.

  2. asusier says:

    Sadly I only received 3 Wallpapers and the rest were wind chimes. Congrats to those that did get blankets and scooters

  3. alucard says:

    (Sorry I had to post this request here! I tried to post it in the Forum for Trading, but my post would NOT load. Just went to “Timed Out”! Ugh! So, dear Sally, I KNOW we are NOT supposed to post on the main board, but when my post won’t load, I felt posting here was my only option! Sorry! ) “Hi, my fellow Webkinz Players. I am super terrible at playing the Wacky Zingoz game where you have to get over 8000pt (?) to win a prize. The only prize from the new set of prizes that I would love to have is the Wacky Zingoz Chimes. If anyone has an extra set of Chimes, I would love to trade with you! I don’t know what I might have that you would like to trade for, so tell me some things that you are looking for. I will do my best to send the item if I have it. I do have some Gold 100KC coins, if you would like that as a trade item. I will check back here as often as I can. ( I wish we could talk trading on the main Newz page, as the Forum is so hard to find the thread your conversation is on! ) Anyway………..My US name is farout1. Thank you all so much! Webkinz Family Rocks!”

    • sally says:

      The Wacky Zingoz Chimes on Webkinz Next can’t be transferred back to Classic, unfortunately.

      • alucard says:

        @Sally! That’s what I get for not reading the whole page! LOL! Sorry about that! :-/ LOL! Lucky Webkinz Next! Did the Classic Webkinz Wacky Zingoz event ever have the Wacky Zingoz Chimes like Next got? I really enjoy collecting WZ items and would love to have a set of chimes like this! Maybe someday Classic can have them as a prize in a game. Hopefully a game I can win! ;-) LOL!

    • mkd61_mkd says:

      farout1 I will be sending you the Wacky chimes. Just enjoy them there is no gift necessary in return. mamakinz10

  4. hudzmom3 says:

    I also got 8000 points and i got a wind chime . I was disappointed.

  5. memsrjoan says:

    I have gotten 1 wallpaper, 1 beach towel and all the rest wind chimes — which don’t even chime. A disappointing celebration.

  6. Zooooooz says:

    I don’t personally enjoy playng WZ in Webkinz Next — it’s tedious waiting for Wacky to stop bouncing around! Tell me my score already! ;)

  7. magda says:

    Are the items transferable to Webkinz Classic? I’ve stopped playing Next because nothing new seems transferable anymore, a very big letdown.

  8. opal141414 says:

    Hello Webkinz Nation! I’ve used up all my tokens and have gotten nothing but wind chimes, wind chimes, wind chimes…. 1 blanket and 1 wallpaper. I’ve gotten some decent points, but the scooter is out of my reach…ugh. Did anyone get the scooter yet? And if so, how many points did you have to reach? Thanks.

    • sunshine32 says:

      I finally won the scooter today! Just made it over 8000, so I don’t think the point total factors into it. I try to hit just as the feet pass over the bottom of the eye or top of mouth…hope that helps and good luck on winning the scooter.

      • opal141414 says:

        Wow….you are very lucky. I played soooooo many times for the scooter and just won wind chimes and more wind chimes and more wind chimes, ugh.

  9. wildchild07961 says:

    all I have won is the chimes nothing else

  10. fly733 says:

    i’ve only won chimes and one wallpaper. i’m so bad at this game.

    • nanamama12 says:

      Same here!!!!! It’s not that you are bad at the game, it’s just the algorithm seems to like the wind chimes. I like them too, but I would really have liked one of the towels! If I remember right, I did manage a scooter.

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