Author Archives: EllaMcWoof
Molly’s Family Fun
Dear Diary, You’ll never believe how INSANE things are at my house today! My entire family has come for Thanksgiving (like they do every year) but this year? They seem even louder and crazier than usual! My twin cousins, Robby and Bobby, arrived and immediately started tormenting Millie. For some reason, they’re more interested in bugging her than me this year (hooray for me, boo for Millie). Millie ran and told my mom and Robby and Bobby got in trouble. That’s been happening all day long. I think Robby and Bobby have been grounded for about one hundred years in total. My little cousin Holly is so cute – she’s able to walk and even said “Molly” when I gave her a cookie. Isn’t that the cutest thing? Most of the family is watching football on TV right now, and my mom and grandma are in the kitchen cooking dinner. I think I’ll join them – I just heard Bobby and Robby say something about sprinkling the chips with hot sauce. Happy (early) Thanksgiving! Love, Molly
Roberta’s Little Brother
Hey everyone. Roberta here in East Webkinz World, visiting my grandparents. Normally I LOVE seeing nana and papa…but this time? This time it’s alllll about my little brother Reid. Since we arrived, no one has talked about anything else. It’s just “Reid this” and “Reid that” and “Oh, isn’t it so cute how Reid makes faces? Look at him crawl! Reid is the BEST!”Reid is not the best at anything! He’s just a baby. He’s not even very exciting. And then there’s me, sitting alone in the corner, hoping someone will take notice and talk to me. So far? No one has. I guess I just can’t compare to the cuteness of my baby brother. And don’t get me wrong, I think Reid IS very sweet. But who is more interesting? A baby or a creative, brilliant young lady like myself?I think the choice is pretty clear. Someone just needs to tell my family that.
Dacey’s Mansion Makeover: Bathroom
Dacey’s Bathroom (Before) Hailey here with another great redesign at the Bryn Mansion. Today we tackled the bathroom. The old bathroom was really outdated. Not only were the colors completely unappealing (the bathtub made my eyes hurt), but there was a total lack of style to the room. I mean those counters? Really? So Elwin and I worked our magic and this is what we came up with: Dacey’s Bathroom (After) Ah! It’s beautiful! I love the gold and white – and the punch of turquoise works just perfectly. We added the stylish mirror arrangement and fluffy white carpet as accessories. The shower is oversized and extremely fancy, and the bathtub is much easier on the eyes. Tell us what you think of this redesign, friends!
Alex’s Fight
Wow, you guys. Today is one for the record books. I, Alex Tiger, actually had a fight with someone. Normally I don’t like arguing, so I’ll just go along with what someone else wants. But after my insane shopping trip with April yesterday? I had to stand my ground when she wanted to return to the mall AGAIN today. No. I just could not do it. So I told her that if she wanted to hang out, we’d have to do something I wanted to do. Like visit the museum or walk through the Magic Forest or SOMETHING. I was even up for going shopping, if it meant we could go to the Curio Shop. And you know what April said? She said I was being selfish. ME! She said that I live in Kinzville and could go anywhere at any time, so I should do what she wanted when she was visiting.I tried explaining that friendship means doing what BOTH parties want, not just one. April wouldn’t hear anything of it, though. She whipped out her phone and started texting someone. I asked her what she was writing and who she was writing to. She said she was … Read more
Sparky is Thankful
So you guys know how I’ve been kind of dreading Thanksgiving? Well, my friends made me realize how lucky I really am…and that I should stop complaining about the fact that I’m not going on holiday. I get to spend the holiday in Kinzville with my Uncle Arte who has planned a TON of cool stuff for us to do. He’s taking me to the museum, we’re going on a hike, and he’s getting dinner from Le Snout (hooray! No frozen pizza or soggy pie!), and he said there are a few other surprises up his sleeve. Nibbles told me that I should be happy that I’ve got someone to spend Thanksgiving with, and Salley reminded me that not everyone is so lucky. Cowabelle told me about some of the families that she helps at the soup kitchen, and it made me realize that I’m a really lucky kid with lots to be thankful for. So I’m sorry I’ve been complaining. I hope my parents have an awesome vacation, because I know I’ll be having a very happy Thanksgiving.
April’s Arrival
Hey everyone, Alex here with a bit of a problem. Have you ever had a friend who you were REALLY close with change a whole ton? Like, change so much that you don’t really know them anymore? That’s what I realized today: April has changed. April came over to my house this morning and she was totally pumped to spend the day together. I was really glad to see her – until she told me what we were going to do. She said she wanted to hit the mall for some new clothes, makeup, perfume and all sorts of other stuff. I said that I was more interested in going to the park or museum and then maybe having some ice cream, but she said that was baby stuff and she wasn’t really into ice cream anymore. How can you not be into ice cream? Anyway, we went to the mall and I spent the ENTIRE day following her from store to store, watching her try on different outfits. Most of the time, it was like I wasn’t even there –she didn’t say anything to me other than “Carry this bag, would you?” I told her that I … Read more
Dacey’s Mansion Makeover: Recording Studio
Dacey’s Recording Studio (Bef0re) Elwin here with the latest redesign from the Bryn mansion! Today, Hailey and I got to create a totally fun (and very technologically advanced) space for Dacey. We took what used to be the craft room (a very crowded craft room, I might add) and revamped it completely to make a funky recording studio for Dacey’s voiceover and singing work. Dacey’s Recording Studio (After) We added a stylish “Recording” sign, some cool polka-dot wallpaper, flashy lights (that change color!) and an awesome column with a string of white lights. The elevator is an easy way to reach the studio, which just happens to be on the top floor of the house. If you look really closely at the picture, you’ll see that Hailey couldn’t help herself – she just had to try out the recording booth!
Salley’s Good News
Dear Diary, Guess what? Guess what?! I’ve finally got some good news about Thanksgiving! My parents realized that I was having a really hard time making a decision about who to spend the holiday with, so they talked to each other and figured out a compromise. My dad is going to come to Kinzville and take me out to lunch at Le Snout. My mom and I are going to have dinner together (with Stoogles visiting). My parents are happy, and now I get to see them both on Thanksgiving! Hooray! Love, Salley
Sparky’s Unhappy Thanksgiving
You know, normally I LOVE Thanksgiving. It’s usually my mom and dad and Uncle Arte and I at our house, eating lots of delicious foods (especially pumpkin pie) and celebrating together.Since my parents are leaving this year for a vacation (WITHOUT me), I’m really NOT looking forward to Thanksgiving. My Uncle Arte keeps trying to tell me that we’re going to have fun, and that he has all this great stuff planned…but it’s not the same. I bet he doesn’t even know how to make a pie. I invited Stoogles to join us for part of our ‘dinner’ (probably pizza or something). Maybe he’ll make Thanksgiving a little more fun this year.
Stoogles’ Thanksgiving Invitations
Hey Everyone! Stoogles here with some great news. Instead of getting ONE invitation to Thanksgiving dinner, I now have FIVE! Yup, you heard right! Stoogles will be eating well that weekend. First, I’m going to go to Nibbles’ house for Thanksgiving lunch. Her family celebrates earlier in the day. She said they have SEVEN different types of pie! I’m going to try ALL of them! After that, I’m heading over to the Curio Shop for an early dinner with Sparky and his Uncle Arte (Sparky said not to get my hopes up about how good the food will be). After that, it’s over to Salley’s house for dinner with her and her family (Salley is staying in Kinzville now – yay!). We’re all going to head to Cowabelle’s after for dessert (more pie!) and then I’ll end my night at Alex’s house. His friend April will be there as well, so that should be fun. I’ve never really had an official Thanksgiving before – and now I get to do FIVE of them in one day! Is this the best idea ever, or what?
Dacey’s Mansion Makeover: Living Room
Elwin here with our second room redesign at Dacey Bryn’s mansion. When Hailey and I saw the original living room, we weren’t too sure what to think. The room was divided into two parts: a front office, and a rear TV watching-area. The furniture was relatively mis-matched, and the wallpaper was really outdated. Dacey’s Living Room (Before) Cue the new living room! Ms. Bryn told us that she wanted something ‘chic, sophisticated and yet still comfortable.’ Hailey and I put our heads together and came up with this room. Dacey’s Living Room (After) The wallpaper is one of my all-time favorites; nothing says ‘chic’ like dark blue. The couches are plush and comfortable, while still fitting in with the sophisticated look of the room. The gold curtains are simply stunning, and the fireplace keeps the place toasty warm. Ms. Bryn was thrilled with the change, and Hailey and I really liked it as well!
Salley’s New Decision
Dear Diary, OK, so remember how I thought that maybe I had made a mistake when I agreed to go and spend Thanksgiving with my dad? Well, I called him and told him that maybe I should stay here in Kinzville with my mom. And he was really disappointed. I know he tried to sound totally OK with everything, but he’s not very good at pretending. My mom, on the other paw, was extremely happy to find out that I’m staying here. I guess the question is: why don’t I feel happier? Why do I still feel like I’ve made the wrong decision? I wish holidays were easier. At least now Stoogles can come over for Thanksgiving dinner. He seems pretty excited about that idea. Love, Salley
Dacey’s Mansion Makeover: Dacey’s Room
Hailey here with a really awesome Designer Elephants project: the redesign of Dacey Bryn’s mansion! Dacey has just recently moved to Kinzville with her mom (they’ll be living here for part of the year) and they’ve invited Elwin and I to fix up their house. The house used to be owned by a family with a few kids, but it’s actually been empty for the past little while. When Dacey’s mom found out about it, she knew it would be the perfect place for her little family. BUT…it needed some major fixing up. Dacey’s Room (Before) Dacey’s Bedroom (After) The first room we did was Dacey’s. Before, it belonged to a teenaged frog. He was really into science and drafting, which is totally cool – but not Dacey’s cup of tea. The first thing we did was add a huge window with a view of Dacey’s new neighborhood. Secondly, we decided to add hints of Dacey’s favorite color (pink, if you couldn’t guess!) all over the room. We needed an area for her to get dressed, an area for her to chill with friends, and an area for her bed. After seeing the new room, Dacey had only … Read more
Stoogles’ Invitation
Stoogles here with a tricky situation. My family doesn’t really celebrate Thanksgiving in a big way, but I’ve always wanted to go to a REAL Thanksgiving dinner. So here’s what I’ve got to do: get an invitation from one of my friends. But how? I mean, I can’t very well invite myself to one of their dinners, right? I was going to try and get myself invited to Sparky’s Thanksgiving, but it sounds like his is going to be pretty quiet, with just him and his uncle Arte. Then I figured maybe I’d try and go to Salley’s Thanksgiving, but she might be going to see her dad. Maybe I’ll see if Cowabelle is feeling generous. I hear Dacey Bryn might be at her Thanksgiving dinner – a brush with fame AND a real, honest-to-goodness feast. This might just be my best Thanksgiving ever!