Roberta’s Little Brother


Hey everyone. Roberta here in East Webkinz World, visiting my grandparents. Normally I LOVE seeing nana and papa…but this time? This time it’s alllll about my little brother Reid. Since we arrived, no one has talked about anything else. It’s just “Reid this” and “Reid that” and “Oh, isn’t it so cute how Reid makes faces? Look at him crawl! Reid is the BEST!”
Reid is not the best at anything! He’s just a baby. He’s not even very exciting.

And then there’s me, sitting alone in the corner, hoping someone will take notice and talk to me.

So far? No one has.

I guess I just can’t compare to the cuteness of my baby brother. And don’t get me wrong, I think Reid IS very sweet. But who is more interesting? A baby or a creative, brilliant young lady like myself?
I think the choice is pretty clear. Someone just needs to tell my family that.

32 Responses to Roberta’s Little Brother

  1. chilly willy says:

    Roberta…..I feel for you …but now act like a grown up you will be one day…new babies are always on the red carpet you will be one day as we;ll ,now it’s his turn…chilly willly..

  2. Girlzrock says:

    He’s just new. Soon he’ll just get the same attention as you when he gets older~~~

  3. Girlzrock says:

    He’s just new. Soon he’ll just get the same attention as you when he gets older

  4. avyskye9 says:

    i know how that feels my friend had that happen to her and she told me it was terrible but never happened to me only at grandmas house but other than that we get the same amount of attention.Oh here is a piece of advice if you r mom is having a baby girl or boy they want whatever you want my brother (little) he is 6 years old and wants whatever i want it gets annoying but they are just trying to be like you thats what there doing hope this helped

  5. aid6pink says:

    roberta don’t be so jealous and self obsessed like how you called your self brilliant

  6. rpo16 says:

    Roberta, little siblings can be a real pain sometimes! It WILL seem like nobody’s paying attention to you, but that’s just because they can’t do anything for themselves yet. It will get better :)

  7. angelblue7 says:

    i know just how you feel roberta. When my little brother was born i felt really sad and alone because everyone i knew always wanted to be with him, but then i realized thats what happens witth babys no one can resit it. Just remember when he gets older everyone will forget about it and will watch both of you!

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