Super Slugger 600 Trophy!


From August 1–12, play Wacky Zingoz at the Games Arcade on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App and try to win the Super Slugger 600 Trophy!



Here’s how to play: Look for Wacky Zingoz in the Games Arcade (desktop app only). Each game, you’ll have 5 chances to hit Wacky as far as you can. To hit, click your mouse to make Wacky jump from the tree then, click the mouse again to swing.



If you manage to hit Wacky 600 feet or farther during this year’s Wacky Zingoz Celebration, you’ll win the Super Slugger 600 trophy! The best part is, there’s no limit to the number of trophies you can win during this event, but it’s not easy to hit Wacky 600 feet!



Do you already own a Super Slugger 600 Trophy? Let us know in the comment section below…



9 Responses to Super Slugger 600 Trophy!

  1. BittyBit says:

    I keep getting 597! 597.3! 597.6! Soooo close!

  2. dmtiggerrrr says:

    Only 1 new trophy so far. Kept hitting 599′s very frustrating but practice makes perfect I guess.

  3. mamabeart says:

    Last time I hit one 599.9! I eventually did get a trophy, but that was so frustrating!

  4. redrazzles says:

    I’m much better at this Wacky game! Cant wait to get another trophy.

  5. alucard says:

    This game is a little easier than the other one. I have won a couple of the Super Slugger Trophies, so I’m good with those. It’s trying to get 11, 500 points for the other game that is just to hard to do for me, at least.

  6. sonicblue says:

    oh I never reach 600 on a hit. but i try. good luck to all

  7. granma4 says:

    This one is harder for me but I still get at least one on all my accounts. Happy hitting everyone.

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    Have Several Super Slugger 600 Trophies, but I’m Always Game To Earn More! Thanks Ganz.

  9. caseyspacey says:

    I’m glad that it’s almost August and can’t wait until this Wacky Celebration begins. I’m aiming for over 400 Wacky Super Slugger Trophies. I encourage anyone to keep trying if you have never reached 600. Think of it like it was Home Run Derby, that’s what think of this. Good Luck.

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