Choose Your Own Story – Booger Doesn’t Go in the Lab







Choose Your Own Story – Booger Doesn’t Go in the Lab

Booger thought better of entering Goober’s lab. He knew how disappointed Goober would be and Booger really did want his help with that rocket ship. The last thing he needed was to annoy his big brother before they even started. Booger grabbed his duffel bag and headed to his room.

In his bedroom, Booger started unpacking his things. He had collected an assortment of curious objects during his time at Space Camp, but there was one thing in particular he was digging for in the bottom of his bag. He touched cold metal and knew he had hit paydirt. Booger pulled out a shiny metal object and turned it around it his hands, studying it with a grin.

The robot he built in Space Camp had made the trip home without a scratch. He polished its silver chest and examined the workings. He couldn’t wait to try it out. It had worked fine at Space Camp, but what he was really excited about were the modifications he had made himself. His camp instructors had forbade him from adapting the mechanism at the time, saying that the changes Booger had wanted to make would make the robot unpredictable and perhaps even dangerous. But Booger was sure he knew what he was doing and so he had sat up all night in his room, making the adjustments by the glow of his flashlight. This would be his first opportunity to try out the new and improved robot.

Booger was about to flick the power switch on his robot when he noticed the sunlight reflecting off of something out his bedroom window. He walked over to the window and saw that in the middle of the backyard, a strange metal object had appeared. It was like nothing Booger had ever seen before. He was very curious about what it might be.

If you think Booger should turn on his robot, click here.

If you think Booger should investigate the object in the garden, click here.

One Response to Choose Your Own Story – Booger Doesn’t Go in the Lab

  1. dawndrop16 says:

    Hey, I kind of like this! :D -Dawndrop*

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