Choose Your Own Story – Booger Goes for Help







Choose Your Own Story – Booger Goes for Help

Booger ran down the hall and out the front door. Sparky Fact and Alex Tiger were playing outside his house.

“Quick – which way did Goober go?” Booger called to them as he ran down the path.

Sparky and Alex looked at each other. “I think he said he was heading to Dr. Quack’s office with some lab results.” said Sparky.

“Right! Quack’s – got it!” shouted Booger as he turned down the street in the direction of Dr. Quack’s office. But just as he was about to break into a run, Alex piped up, “But he said he was also going to deliver some new science questions to Quizzy.”

Booger stopped in his tracks. Quizzy’s was almost on the other side of town from Dr. Quack’s. If Goober had already left the doctor’s office it would take Booger ages to catch up with him. There just wasn’t time. Booger would have to deal with the robot problem himself.

Or would he? Booger turned and looked at his friends. He knew he could trust Alex and Sparky. And he just wasn’t sure he could handle the robot problem on his own. But the last thing he wanted was to put his friends in danger. Booger was conflicted. Should he ask for Alex and Sparky’s help dealing with his robot on the fritz or should he try to take care of it alone?

If you think Booger should try and tackle the robot himself, click here.

If you think Booger should enlist Alex and Sparky’s help, click here.

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