Choose Your Own Story – Booger Leaves It







Choose Your Own Story – Booger Leaves It

Booger walked back into his yard with a sigh. His brief taste of riches had been fun, but now he was left with nothing. He started for the door when he saw something glimmering in the grass. Booger knelt down and looked more closely. There in the garden, next to where the hubcap had landed, was a tiny red gem. Booger picked it up and examined it more closely. It must have fallen off of the hubcap when it landed. The ruby sparkled in the light.

Booger wasn’t sure what to do with it. Maybe he should return it to Fluffington, but he would worry about that tomorrow. For now the jewel was his and he was going to enjoy it.

To find out what happens next, click here.

2 Responses to Choose Your Own Story – Booger Leaves It

  1. SolarSpeed says:

    He should have looked for it, but he found one and he lost his, so its his.

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