Coming Soon: Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise will be in stores in April 2012.

139 Responses to Coming Soon: Bichon Frise

  1. Stella789 says:

    What a cute little dog.. And different kind of name..

  2. rockingbox says:

    It look exactly like a sheep but the nose look like a dog.

  3. pennystuffer says:

    @ Natasha
    The sabertooth reminds me of Ice Age too!!

  4. pennystuffer says:

    @ cinderlou9

    Maxmillion Winston is SUCH a cute name for an adorable fluffy dog like bichons!
    I have a bichon frise and his name is Alan. Bichon frises are adorable and so is this pet!!!

  5. pennystuffer says:

    I have a bichon frise named Alan. He looks a lot different from the plush, though.

  6. cottonball says:

    Aww, it’s SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! Wanna get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your friend,

  7. Dog lover 200 says:

    Cute! They should make a doberman, too.

  8. Steeler86fan says:

    Adorable!! I want one of these. Can’t wait.

  9. cinderlou9 says:

    Thanks Ganz!!!! This Bichon is so cute & life like. I have one named Maxmillion Winston, Max for short. I will be looking for this in the stores on April 1st. Not sure if I will name it after my Max or make it a girl & name it Maxine. I always thought the Yorkie looked like a Bichon since it is all white (I’m used to brown Yorkies). Thanks again Ganz!

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