Coming Soon: Candy Googles

The Candy Googles will be available in November.

124 Responses to Coming Soon: Candy Googles

  1. Km123 says:

    The candy google is one of the cutiest have to have it

  2. Grace says:

    So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Feisty says:

    1 word…….. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! ( just so u know I don’t like the regular googles but this one I LUV)

  4. abbers1127 says:

    My birthday is in November, so I might be able to get it!!!!!!!!

  5. Flaggie99 says:

    Cuter than the other googles I might buy it is it a small webkinz or a big one? _Flaggie99

  6. fuZZy says:

    so cute and fuZZy

  7. SWAG says:

    i always disliked the googles but this 1 is cute i might get it

  8. Julie says:

    I’m sooo going to get that as soon as it comes out! LOL!!

  9. zoey says:

    its so ugly no offense ganz but you can do better

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