Coming Soon: Candy Pup


The Candy Pup will be arriving this February! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to see the Candy Pup’s special food and item.

77 Responses to Coming Soon: Candy Pup

  1. Ilovecheese says:

    So cute!!!

  2. Shirley says:

    AWESOME!!!!!!! This pet will be my Texting Puppy, Spooky Pup, and Snowflake Pup’s best friend!

  3. Cool1234 says:

    So cute! Can’t wait to buy it. I would name it candy.

  4. wonderfulwebkinz199:) says:

    Awww…… It’s so ADORABLE!

  5. iluvpuppies says:

    i need this to go with all my valentines looking pets

  6. kandykinz says:

    Ganz, bring on the imaginary and made up puppies! I love them all! Keep up the great work! This one is a must have in a heart beat!!! Can’t wait to get her!

  7. Webkinz rockerz cow Jessica says:

    woooow thats cool and sweet ! i like it ‘ thats and very pretty ! @#

  8. Dawn2Night says:

    OMG!!! That’s SO cute! I want it for Easter!

  9. merycristms2012 says:

    I don’t like this Webkinz so much. They make most of these puppies look like just regular old not exiteting boring dogs! I wish they would make a “Holiday Jack Russel”!!!!

  10. coconutwishes says:

    i gotta say i like the idea, just not the look . . :-(

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