Have you heard? There’s a new Christmas Room Party Pack coming to Webkinz World!
We can’t wait to find out what’s inside!
Christmas is on its way, and with it comes the Christmas Room Party Pack! We can’t wait to host a party with a Christmas theme. Pick up this new party pack at the W Shop and get ready to celebrate on December 7th!

WOW! This is so great! Now my pets can host the biggest Christmas party EVER! Add me as bigco to come! I am so excited!
This is so AWESOME!!!!!!
yay i cant wait i am so going to get that pack soon and have a party. oh ya and im looking to add new friends to my list if you want me to add you just leave your username here
Oh my gawsh!! This is pretty awesome! :D Krystallkat I love reading your comments. You always say kind things! ;)
Awww. Thanks your so kind. :D Do you want to friend me on webkinz my username is 5376momy if you want to friend me! Thanks again.
Hi Krystalkat! I see you post on the forums sometimes and you’re always so nice! Can I add you? If so my UN is emant100 with no caps. If I have a Christmas party I’ll invite you! :)
Sure! I would love to add you. Looking forward to the party. Thanks, your so nice!
AWESOME!!! I love Christmas time!!!
OMG! So cool! If I have one I’ll invite these two of my friends for sure, princesspatty1 and horsiebell! YAY! Add me and I might invite you! My username is kikiworm
Peace! Kikiworm :) :D
Oh my! I can’t imagine what kind of wonderful Christmas parties I could throw with this!
Wow! Christmas Party in Webkinz World. I might have to hold my first ever party.
OMG!!!!!!! soooo cool! i have always wanted to do aChristmas party!!
Great for Christmas parties! ;)
I like your comments! BTW that’s awesome! I’ve thrown only one sucessful party on Webkinz but these are extremely fun! I can’t wait!
Woo Hoo! Go party packs! :lol: LOL! I just luv having parites. But I have been so busy with Dance Class, Junior Olymic Volleyball, The Play, Homework… too much stuff. :(
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
Your right krystalkat. I try to do one and invite you! ;-)
Thanks you guys! Your the best! I was thinking of havin a block party for a long time but I never got aroung because i have dance today. Im looking forward to your party sarahandlacy! :mrgreen:
Awesome. Christmas parties are always fun!
I’ll hold my first party when we get Tom
oh i’ll have a x-mas party if i have enough money to by the pack on webkinz :lol: i sometimes try to have parties but no one comes!
If u invite me i will come
mine never work!!!!! i try, but they log me out! maybe because i invite my sis. :cry:
Crazy gal
yay! i lovvve P.A.R.T.YS!
~*~ caitlyn18 ~*~
I love the party packs. Even though I have yet to throw a successful party ( I have so much stuff to do, like Irish Dance, that I always forget that I set up a party. :mrgreen:) I think they area lot of fun!
The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)