Coming Soon: Enchanted Elephant

Look for the Webkinz Enchanted Elephant — in stores soon!

91 Responses to Coming Soon: Enchanted Elephant

  1. mommy71509 says:

    It is cute and all but we should have a lil kinz pet like a Beta fish… Just a suggestion. +idea+

  2. adara917 says:

    Loving the vibrant colors and designs!

  3. Bali_Tiger says:

    It’s kinda cute, but webkinz should start making more REAL pets. and if they keep making them up, they should at LEAST make some more boy-ish ones.

  4. LesMisLover says:

    very cute, but ganz just a suggestion, could you try to make the REGULAR, REAL pets? like it has seemed that for the candy pups (lollipop pup, candy pup, etc.), its the same pup, just a different design, could you make a….idk what ones you haven’t made but something NEW? #pleasemakedifferentpets

  5. popy380 says:

    i’m gonna name her “splash” or “enchanted” or “flowerdust”. >~pop~<

  6. Pinkl97 says:

    Love this!!! It’s girly and cute!!!!

  7. caityllizz says:


  8. loolik6 says:

    So cute!!!!!!!! and also not a cat\dog!

  9. Snowleopardlovexoxo says:

    I absolutely love this webkinz! I love the colors and the patterns! its just so adorable, though I think i’m going to get a signature instead of any regulars.

  10. chrissyranch says:

    Oh the elephant is cute, but I dream of a day when you make a Signature Palomino horse. I have always dreamed of having a horse for real, a Palomino, it’s my all time favorite!! I will never be able to have a real horse, so I will keep waiting for Ganz to come to my rescue and make a dream come true. They are so golden and wild and beautiful. If you do ever make one, please please make it a plush Palomino too!! :) Thanks!!! chrissysranch

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