Coming Soon: Grumpy Cat

Look for the Webkinz Grumpy Cat in stores soon!

145 Responses to Coming Soon: Grumpy Cat

  1. WEBKINZFREAK51 says:

    can’t wait to get tomorrow at estore

  2. jbirdlynn says:

    wow! what does it look like when it is happy?

  3. TinaKitty24 says:

    It looks like it hasn’t slept in a week! Funny pet.. I might get it. But I want my pets to look happy though. So maybe.

  4. tntmonton says:

    I think he’s cool, I will get him.

  5. CountryKinz17 says:

    Not trying to offend you ganz but this looks a little weird? Oh well if people like it doesn’t bother me! PS. it reminds me of Garfield. lol

    • Snowflake Pup Queen says:

      XD Garfield sassy at it’s finest. How is it possible for a cat to complain so much about lasagna also I love your videos. Okay well if you replied back I would probably fangirl.

  6. jenvic says:

    my daughter wants one i just hope they’ll be available in canada

  7. cowtown says:

    it could be a basset hound cause they have eyes like that for the boo dog.cute ideal.

  8. fhturrac says:

    Best thing EVER!!

  9. atheneaprincess6 says:

    I LOVE GRUMPY CAT! She’s awesome! I cant wait!

  10. wntnsb says:

    How about Colonel Meow? With extra long fur! He was a record winner and only looked mean!

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