Coming Soon: Pizzazzy Puppy

The Pizzazzy Puppy will be in stores April 2012.

197 Responses to Coming Soon: Pizzazzy Puppy

  1. gSage says:

    I have to have this dog, I love all Webkinz Puppies, and this one is totally awesome!

  2. ~SelenaKitty7~ says:

    SOOOO my type. Though I don’t like dogs, this is TOTALLY for me!!! It matches my Pom Pom Kitty, Sugar Plum. If ya wanna be my friend, I’m BamaKitty7. Just LOVE the pink & purple!!! I want this puppy SOOOOOO bad.

  3. Webkinzlover says:

    This pet is so crazy. But i love it!!!!!!!! She would be perfect for Charlotte, my pom pom kitty. They have the same color pattern. I hope i get it from the Easter bunny. Except there is like almost no i repeat NO good names for it.

  4. meerkatperson says:

    There should be a meerkat webkinz!!

  5. mcpgirl says:

    It’s rather cute, but I don’t really like pink, oh well…. but if they made one in blue :) Wow webkinz, you make a lot of unrealistic pets! I like realistic and unrealistic. You have made magic horses, dogs, dragons, rhinos [yeah], cats…… could you make a magic okapi or something…. sorry, I have a huge obsession in okapis, even though I only have one stuffed animal….. Redwood my favorite webkinz! SO MUCH UNREALISTICNESS!

  6. bob you says:

    sweethisel!that thwang is cute!

  7. Micaiah says:

    I think it`s soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I want it soooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. newtin7654 says:

    i have 59 webkins and i love them all and im thinking about getting more i love who dosent ?

  9. webk1nz8 says:

    awe its so cute i realy want it beacuase my birthdays in april

  10. chocolab says:

    still cant find the ap logo

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