Coming Soon: Pizzazzy Puppy

The Pizzazzy Puppy will be in stores April 2012.

197 Responses to Coming Soon: Pizzazzy Puppy

  1. ChloeKitty15 says:

    Aww, that’s adorable! A little overboard with the sparkles, but cute nonetheless.

    ~ChloeKitty15 Signing Out!

  2. scrubs17 says:

    it is cute but they make too many dogs. but i still might get it

  3. Bluepeso says:

    It is SO CUTE!!! And it looks kind of like a Pretty Panda and a Pom Pom Kitty sort of mixed together into a dog……….

  4. webkiska says:

    aw! its so adorable, i want to get it!! i wonder what it’s PSI and PSF is.

  5. mallybear2001 says:


  6. unicornlover123 says:

    WANT IT!

  7. sylvatica says:

    Pizazz was a misfit, not a hologram. Also, she had green hair, not pink.

  8. blacklba101 says:

    OMG! i am a huge Webkinz puppy fan, and this is a must have for me! Keep up the awesome work Webkinz! LOVE IT SOOOOOOOO MUCH!! I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!!!!!!

  9. Dragonwind says:

    It’s cute, but a little extreme. i like the color and the name- Pizzazzy Puppy! LOL. i probably wouldn’t buy it.

  10. Love Staffordshires says:

    This is one of those pets that makes me want to do the Harleyquinn squeak it’s SO cute (Harleyquinn squeak). Definitely would be squealing if they made staffordshire bull terriers & more real cats & dogs.

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