Coming Soon: Pizzazzy Puppy

The Pizzazzy Puppy will be in stores April 2012.

197 Responses to Coming Soon: Pizzazzy Puppy

  1. jaiden says:

    OMG that is going to be my 2 fav. when i get it her name is going to be april im soo happy ganz made this its soo adorable

  2. emeo10 says:


  3. Jades1000 says:

    cant wait to see how it looks online
    love it!!!!!!!!

  4. lotanna says:

    what?!what girl ever said this cute and fuzzy and stylish Pizzazzy Puppy was too girly for her?!(*I’m a girl*)
    and I think this is my kind of puppy.whether a Webkinz pet is realistic or imagenary,i love it.

  5. Garrett says:

    I love playing on webkinz so I will love playing on webkinz news. This is going to be fun.

  6. chloetyuiop1 says:

    That is so cute!!

  7. Girly says:

    Aww, so adorable! I love it! (I’m a girl, so I love anything pink. Or purple. Or light blue.) Anyhoozle, gotta love it!!!

  8. mmammannee says:

    So cute I love it! :)

  9. akti22 says:

    I think it’s pretty cool.I wonder how fluffy it is?But my favoite animal is a sinature fox…and it always will b… I luv it so much

  10. oreopino says:

    i would name it a purple shimmer dog

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