Coming Soon: Pretty Peacock

The Webkinz Pretty Peacock will be available in June 2011.

288 Responses to Coming Soon: Pretty Peacock

  1. peachiepower12 says:

    ADORABLE!!!! so getting this ;)

  2. pookaliz says:

    1: djavu offended my cherry blossom bird abby.she is as pretty as this.

  3. pillowpet99 says:

    favorite colors!!!!!!!!!!!! I want it but I already have too many pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Naceyb says:

      Dear Pillowpet99,
      It depends, If the situation is too many on your account then make another one! It is a simple way to keep more webkinz just remember which is which. OR . If the situation is about too little space in your room find a quick way to Decorate them in your room like put one or two by your window ( if you have one ), if you have a desk you can put some there, If you have a empty shelf or bookshelf put some there! Or if you want them out of sight you can store them in a small box and put it under your bed ( on the ege of course! ). If you liked my advice PLEASE tell me? If you don’t i can take it. Plus If you dont before you say something know that i’m 10 and i use these methods myself thay work for me but everyone is different.
      With all love in webkinz and a total fan of ganz,

  4. boyztjg says:

    It’s so cute!

  5. rippy11 says:

    I love this webkinz Keep up the good work webkinz! Can you make a webkinz Sig. Silversoft Cat?

  6. 0927 says:

    WOW! i LOVE wild looking birds! i want it SOOOOO bad!

  7. Skylerissomaca says:

    I think the peacock will be a great Webkinz pet addition. Its colors are fabulous. Sometimes, it is hard to find a pet that fits a boy. Ganz may not understand that there are boys who enjoy this activity as well as girls do. An example of a boy-fitting pet could be the Caramel Lion. It is fully a girl and boy animal.

  8. lord of the rings rocks says:

    It is adorable i will get it i have 6 pets my friend has 98 on one acount and lost the other so she has like over 150 Good bye

  9. Brownie12 says:

    SO Cool and not a lot of pink YAY!!!! Thanks Webkinz

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