Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

There’s a chubby little buddy waiting to make friends in Webkinz World! This pet boasts an adorably round belly – making more of the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig for you to love. But don’t worry – the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig’s squat stature doesn’t slow it down – it’s always ready to play.

The Signature Pot Bellied Pig will be available in October 2011!

175 Responses to Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

  1. hammyham45 says:

    he is sooooooooooo cute i really really want him

  2. hammyham45 says:

    he is soooooooooo cute he,d be a dad for my regular pot bellied pig i want him sooooooooooooo badly

  3. kenobi4598 says:

    For all the people who are commenting about this not being cute, let me remind you that it is signature. Signatures are supposed to be realistic, not cute. Cute is the goal of the adorably fuzzy and out of proportion regulars. Not that I do not think that it is cute, because i do. All i am saying is that i understand your argument. {[!kenobi4598!]}

  4. CandyBox says:

    I was going to get the regular pot belied pig but this pig is way cooler:)

  5. phoebe says:


  6. chocolate cherry says:

    Hey, i am in love with cute, little animal. Its just one of those things you want to grab and never let go!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3

  7. chooseaname says:

    Aw he’s really cute bu t i already have the normal pot bellied pig do you think i should get because there are already a lot of the other new webkinz i want o well can you help me choose?!!!!!

  8. cecelia says:

    the pig is pretty cute

  9. jadewolfpaw04 says:

    Hey, does any one wanna be my bud on Webkinz? My username is Sunset2244. Please be my friend!!!

  10. YummyOrangeJuice says:

    Ha ha…it’s funny looking but cute.

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