Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

There’s a chubby little buddy waiting to make friends in Webkinz World! This pet boasts an adorably round belly – making more of the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig for you to love. But don’t worry – the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig’s squat stature doesn’t slow it down – it’s always ready to play.

The Signature Pot Bellied Pig will be available in October 2011!

175 Responses to Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

  1. g1lory says:

    you people are crazy. its so cute!!! if i saw in stores i would buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. zilladilla says:

    i think the pig is so adorable. how could anyone think its ugly?!?!?!! anyway looks really really cute!!!!!

  3. pw6tree says:

    it looks cute

  4. jgjenessa says:

    Aww that pet is so cute.

  5. kensjw says:

    Wow I like the other poy bellied pig because it’s small and cute like a little pet pigglet.

  6. webkinzrock2000 says:

    its ok it cute but at the same time it ugly

    wov webkinzrock2000

  7. gingerbread300 says:

    I love it!
    It is so cute!

  8. ferretfriend says:

    i want it!

  9. chocolate cherry says:

    Well everyone has there own opinion!!!!! so.. sorry

  10. Lvn23 says:

    Ok, I love all webkinz.I want to collect them all.I have some I REALLY like and the Signature Pot bellied pig is one of them.All webkinz are cute.

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