Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

There’s a chubby little buddy waiting to make friends in Webkinz World! This pet boasts an adorably round belly – making more of the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig for you to love. But don’t worry – the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig’s squat stature doesn’t slow it down – it’s always ready to play.

The Signature Pot Bellied Pig will be available in October 2011!

175 Responses to Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

  1. wow that looks awsome says:

    wow the pig looks cool

  2. keykeykey05 says:

    its so cute and awesome i want it sooo bad it will go perfect wit my pig room and other pigs in that room

  3. luv piggies says:

    this is so cute i luv pigs they are my favorite animal!

  4. RainbowVixen says:

    Man, it IS chubby. Still cute. It’s snout looks like it got in a car-accident though.

  5. webstar says:

    Okay. strange

  6. clarice2008 says:

    Pot bellied pigs are sooooo cool! ;D

  7. buty00 says:

    I dont really think its that cute, could you please just stick with your designs, you know, the cute ones

  8. lol45 says:

    Wow! this pig is adorable! it looks so happy! lots of people are saying it looks weird but its so cute! POWER TO THE PIG!
    peace! -lol45

  9. babysweettreat says:

    I want one!!!

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