Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

There’s a chubby little buddy waiting to make friends in Webkinz World! This pet boasts an adorably round belly – making more of the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig for you to love. But don’t worry – the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig’s squat stature doesn’t slow it down – it’s always ready to play.

The Signature Pot Bellied Pig will be available in October 2011!

175 Responses to Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

  1. webkinzlover123 says:

    thats so cute=)

  2. SydLovesHorses says:

    It is really cute…. I will have to put it on my wishlist.

  3. Bubbles the Border Collie says:

    Oh.My.Goodness. IT IS SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I WANT IT’S AWOSME-PAWSOME (my word for just AWSOME! in dog talk) And its soooo cute. I no some peoplewon’t agree, and that’s fine everyone should welcome different opinions. But in MY opinion, it C-U-T-E!

  4. 25980 says:

    I love pot bellied pigs!!!! They are so cute!!!!! Royal Dandies are even cuter!!!!! ;)

  5. stacey says:

    its so cute :) :) :) :)

  6. Paralyzer says:

    i still cannot believe they are making a pot bellied pig (signiture) I am so siked!

  7. Crazy Cat Kid says:

    I love the Orange Tabby Cat.

  8. bugwug7 says:

    it’s not a cat but I think it’s cute

  9. someone says:

    i have real pot bellied pig it may not be signiture but its way better this one weaird

  10. qebkinzx2 says:

    You have great ideas… Well… I usually like signature animals.

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