Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

There’s a chubby little buddy waiting to make friends in Webkinz World! This pet boasts an adorably round belly – making more of the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig for you to love. But don’t worry – the Signature Pot-Bellied Pig’s squat stature doesn’t slow it down – it’s always ready to play.

The Signature Pot Bellied Pig will be available in October 2011!

175 Responses to Coming Soon: Signature Pot Bellied Pig

  1. Sarah says:

    hi i think its cute but i’m not gonna get it

  2. bulldog says:

    soooooooo cute want it soooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. do you really need to know my name says:

    this one and the other one look kinda alike i like the other one better =D

  4. 19beltza says:

    I want it so so so so so bad i have the signature pig that will be my pigs bffl

  5. ultrasonic says:

    It’s so cute! I can’t wait ’til October! I have a good name for it. :) No, it’s not Bacon.
    P.S. October’s Pet of the Month is the Black Cat, my 14th Webkinz!

  6. GrandmaVivi says:

    A signature pot-bellied pig? cool! it’ll be cool to check out! intresting… :) lol!

  7. Ruth112233 says:

    I like the other pot belly pig. but i don’t like this at all anyway.:p

  8. ~*~Sparks~*~ says:

    Uhhhhhhhhh…….not my fav……My friend has one and its a lot cuter than that!!!

    ADD ME!!! I’m: Pandapoo1322

  9. jewel581 says:

    that is the cutest thing eva! ! ! ! !

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