Coming Soon: Swirly Curl Unicorn

The Swirly Curl Unicorn will be in stores this November!

88 Responses to Coming Soon: Swirly Curl Unicorn

  1. LambTyler says:

    Aww that’s cute! I think the face kind of reminds me of a cow though :P The reason I like it though is because I like the colors but I am not a huge fan of those type of tails. I think it would have looked cuter with some sort of long flowing tail. I can’t wait to see the psi though! ♥Lamb♥

  2. shortyginger says:

    Cute. Love the ribbons for the mane and tail.

  3. Snowflake Pup Queen says:

    omg omg omg unicorn unicorn unicorn so cute The horse fanatic

  4. nonopuppy123 says:

    this is adorable

  5. momo4cookie says:

    it looks like a My Little Pony plus a cupcake

  6. webkinzpolkadotpuppy says:

    so cute! she looks very soft and i would love to keep her on my bed to snuggle with XD

  7. spotharris says:

    Looks Pretty, tails a little strange, but still cute.

  8. lilicat9 says:

    Oh, my sister is going to want one of these.

  9. firafairy2222 says:

    So Cute!

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