Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

This big cat is on the prowl, hunting for someone to love. With its adorable tufted ears and stubby tail, this frisky feline will bound into your life and capture your heart. You will go wild for the new Webkinz Lynx!

203 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Lynx

  1. Grace says:

    i think it is sooo cute i love it

  2. kimmy101 says:

    thats totally not for me since im a total girly girl

  3. Chucke says:

    YAY! More Webkinz

  4. pandapoo1322 says:

    i hope it looks better than that when its virtual!! NO OFFENSE!

  5. cheyenne5 & sidkatan says:

    I was telling my mom…”I always wanted a Lynx stuffy!
    And now there is!!! He is SOOO CUTE too!!!


  6. sarah:) says:

    i neeeeddd that dragon

  7. Harriette56 says:

    OK,this is just silly and kind of boring…

  8. Lynx Girl 123 says:

    So cool!!! I love lynx!!! They are so awesome!!!

  9. smilingsam19 says:

    I like the signature webkinz better.

  10. hia says:

    hi.. um…. hello…. i don’t want to be mean but….. um….. that ….thing…. is um…. UGLY!!!!!

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